Been fiddlin' with my VK quite a bit these past few days, honing in on what voltages work best for me. And I gotta' say, I LOVE this little guy!
I'm loving the accuracy, the look, the size, and after a conversation with the man himself, the safety and the dependency. This little fucker was built with a lot of love and I think even more thought. After having it a little while now, I can feel that it has its own presence. And now that I understand it a lot more, I think it's in many ways beautiful in the same way as the HI. It is not just a functional tool; this thing is a work of art!
This one is the real deal, and I'm thankful to have had enough dumb luck to stumble onto it.
Can ya' tell I like it?
Just loving the clear look. So clean and professional and scientific. Makes it more personal too, IMO.
I'm wondering if a vvps might be necessary for the glass heater cover HIs. It might just be me, but I find that at 12 volts, my walnut is pretty darn warm, starting to test the boundaries of what I'd deem "comfortably warm." I really don't think I'd want it running at 12 volts all the time.
I find that it still produces so much heat with the glass cover that even at 10.75 volts, I can produce significant cloudage by just BARELY inserting the heater core into the very outer edge of the standard GonG. Those hits are so tasty and I enjoy not having to use any technique to achieve this.
I decided to try out what the VK is like after leaving it plugged in all night (i.e. I got too drunk and passed out, leaving my poor HI and VK exposed all night to terror kitties.) and was quite pleased by how cool the unit was. Directly above and below the "gizmos" I could feel very minor warmth when pressing firmly against it. I've kept it plugged in all day today and found that with casual use I can't feel a thing.
The very slight voltage drop on the output when plugging in a device is normal and is basically because you're adding more resistance. The 4 digit screen is definitely nice for noticing minor changes like that. The voltage drop on the input is usually more significant, but either are often useful for detecting the dreaded "lost connection."
This has been my experience. For example, if I set it at 11.18 and warm up the HI, I'll come back to 11.13 or 4. In one extreme case, it dropped .09. After that, it stays within .01 or .02, as I've been watching it carefully the past 24 hours or so (except for the 6 hours I was fucking unconscious). I really like the 4-digit display so that I can see this kind of shit. And I'm not even into this kind of shit!
What a fantastic rollout here. I can't find anything even remotely negative in this thread. I know I have had absolutely zero issues with mine and at this point it's just as much of the equation of my ritual as the HI, my glass, my pollen box, and of course my herbs!
And after a wonderful couple of PM exchanges, I dare say I wouldn't think of buying a vvps from anyone else. This guy knows his shit! I felt honored just to be able to pick his brain for a while.

And he is constantly trying to improve this design. I imagine great things coming to this thread in the future.
HI + VK + Herbs =
I had to pay extra for the additional two bubble feet.