I think this has been covered in previous posts and now I'll get accused of repeating information or "defending the company". But I'll do it anyway, since you asked :jambandphan03 said:I might be stirring the pot (no pun intended) but I decided to peel the sticker label off the box for my vape-pen mini, and this was the logo I found under the label...
I have no doubt that these guys have figured out how to reprogram the microprocessor by accessing the firmware, and lowering the temperature, but the parts are being shipped in from China non the less. Maybe they are having them specially made directly in the factory (speculation) I don't know what I plan to accomplish by posting this here, other than the fact that I discovered it the other day and I feel like sharing my discovery.
Moe, I hope you don't take this personally, I am not trying to attack the V-P, just want to know if they are being honest with their customers. I have no doubt that the liquid meds have been long in development, and I am glad somebody out there is providing a means for patients to consume their medication in such a way, it not only seems like a safe way to medicate, but is also fun and discrete. I am all for that. But it is just an altered e-cig.

Yes, it uses e-cig parts. Yes, they have been significantly altered. It's absolutely not just a re-labeled e-cig if that's what you're wondering. I assure you.
Yes, Vape-Pen is being honest with its customers.
Some of the parts are exactly the same as e-cigs (I think) and are made in China while some other parts are different and made in other places. But the manufacturing partners have achieved ISO 9001 certification, as Vape-Pen, the company, is very concerned about providing a healthy non-toxic product. Doctors have even prescribed it for their seriously ill patients.
By the way, that box in your provided url looks nothing like the box mine came in. Where did you get yours? I ask because there have been some bootleggers selling fake crappy vape-pens. I'll pass this post along to Vape-Pen and let him comment on whether or not your box was legit. If you want you can pm me about where you got it. If you got it from the Vape-Pen web site then it's legit of course, but I just have not seen any boxes like that. (Remember, I don't work for the company, so I very well may not have seen every box they have used. I know they have changed a few things since the beginning.) A photo of your pen and of the box as it came - more or less - would be helpful in determining if it's legit - that is, like I say, if you did not order it from http://www.vape-pen.com/shop/. If you did, then I guess you just got an older box.
Maybe tomorrow or soon I'll show a photo of my box. I did publish a photo of my pen in the first post of this thread. Although now they say Vape Pen on the pen.