Going to point the same, showerhead or even my guess easier, honeycomb perc, like boobs Liquid Sci, mine's as well, like evolver glass(glasstafarian) , some kind of good old natural perc plus a little help of new school diffusion, example the fritter, cost of a cheap frit, maybe free(I saw in some LHS, they sell glass screens made of chips and bit leftovers from making fancier percs

jaja, David Goldstein's genius for real!!!

and blow it locally, avoid dealers/retailers $$$$$$$ 100% plus profit

and mailing, waiting time and worldwide web free
Do we need 7mm thick glass??? is more expensive???? IDK
I just need 3mm, 4mm maybe.
Even 3/4mm is still going to be costly for quality lass.
Tall??? Noooo, vapor don't need that much water volume??? IMO 5" to 7" tall can is OK???
+ what, a 5-8" mouth piece?
Low down to the can percolation/diffusion????? BIG YESSSS

no mouth splash!!!
Good luck achieving that with something hand spun and not made on a lathe
Low water volume ???? Less weight and more portability
See above
Sidecar mouthpiece??? YES no mouth splash

and you can see and fancy the bubble action PRICELESS
Wide semi thick base???? YES a plus for stability

Cloud & EQ users
The flat wide thick bases you see on tubes and mobius bubblers has to be spun on a lathe. Thick bases require thick glass BTW
18mm GonG female??? YES more airflow and you can use an adapter for 14mm

Local glass blower???? YES we avoid dealers/retailers/couriers...
How many local glass blowers do you know that just take order from people in off the street and sell it at whole sale?
This is IMO, any more inputs??? Hitman cheaper thinner replica??? boobs replica?? more replicas?? smaller sizes???