The Tempest by Mad Heaters & Phatpiggie


Pranayama; of a sort.
I’m going to dissent on that. That sort of thing was hilarious in fifth grade but in grown ass men is just kind of juvenile and might be part of the reason that there appears to be few women on this site.
It was a legitimate concept, perhaps my language was childish and if so and that bothered you @jbm I appologise.

I'm a little surprised if the balls themselves suffer much in a combustion event. Seeing that they are the heating source and come before the cannabis in the air path, smoke rising from the combustion should be the only way it should dirty the balls. Drawing on the stem would pull the smoke away from the combustion and the balls. Still, they are close in proximity, literally, right next to one another, so it's not impossible, especially if the combustion results in embers that continue to smoke...
Every time i combust smoke comes out the top, the balls have some of the residue on them and it builds up over time

Today I haven't combusted once so... apparently not cleaning the device properly was probably my biggest problem, more so than any technique issues.

Yeah, it's not intuitive to heat with the tip facing up but worth it I feel. Even if stuff doesn't get past the ball screen, if it's touching it then it'll likely combust and introduce a slight char to the taste. This used to drive me crazy until I figured it out and now I just avoid the conditions for it happening.
That was the first thing I called out because I kept tipping my herbs on the screen accidently before letting the herbs sort of settle after they heat and sort of stick together more

Decided to just clean the tip and cap last night. I'm going to clean the stem less to let the honey gather along the spiral. I want to try wiping it up with a nug before vaping it (idea came from another poster several pages back). Saturday morning is marked for scheduled lift off
Have been making baby moon rocks with the honey, worth it.

Aye, I admittedly often cram too much in, and don't leave a slight gap between material and ball screen. It's why I normally give it a little scrape with de-bowler. I think it's just a bad habit. Still, didn't seem like I needed to clean the balls often. I will try keep on top of it more now I know how easy it is. Medium grind for me also. No urge to experiment with grind.
Until yesterday I would have agreed with you however because I had a BCG for testing purposes I ended up having all 3 to try and coarse was the best honestly, medium second I don't line fine personally....

You could try to put a bowl screen under the ball screen which should help with bits falling down without restricting the airflow too much, however it might be easier to just put the cap in ISO as well along with the stem.
I played around with different screens and dosing cap covers as a saftey net and in the end I think I just prefer to pack it less full and gently tamp it down as the screen to get hot being the first thing the airflow hits coming from the oven, it kind of defeats the purpose when you draw to hard and the screen heats up to the point it scorches to herbs
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Well-Known Member
I had a BCG for testing purposes I ended up having all 3 to try and coarse was the best honestly, medium second I don't line fine personally....
I’m really liking the coarse too for a full bowl. The BCG medium shreds a little too much IMO. Liking that or the fine plate for half bowls.

Oh, and jbm was replying to my genitalia joke, not you. All good, I know I can be a man-child sometimes.
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Pranayama; of a sort.
I’m really liking the coarse too for a full bowl. The BCG medium shreds a little too much IMO. Liking that or the fine plate for half bowls.
Totally agree on both, I am going to give the BCG back so coarse for the moment but back to Aroma 3 Medium as that's been working perfectly

Oh, and jbm was replying to my genitalia joke, not you. All good, I know I can be a man-child sometimes.
Thanks for clarifying. I can see how even what I was saying could have been considered inappropriate, I could have chosen different language, if it isn't well received I am willing to adjust so I just wanted to make sure to clarify with jbm how they felt.

Being that my ball screen fell out the other day and I had to undo and redo it a few times I figured I would take the opportunity to try a few things to see how much gunk got on my screen/on to the balls.

When in a WPA with the cap pointing upwards and heated in that position combustion seemed to make the most mess of the cap and balls out of the dozen tests I did, having the water rebound in a water pipe and pushing vapour out the airholes also added oil over time. But my mess was mainly hash and rosin dripping down onto the ball screen and balls when I would lazily add it to the top of the bowl before putting it bowl facing downwards into the wand to heat up - I mean its obvious - but in both cases it ends up with tar or oil on the balls that then heat up and have issues.

I now have a little jar that I put the cap in at night and take it out in the morning *shrugs*


Well-Known Member
Totally agree on both, I am going to give the BCG back so coarse for the moment but back to Aroma 3 Medium as that's been working perfectly

Thanks for clarifying. I can see how even what I was saying could have been considered inappropriate, I could have chosen different language, if it isn't well received I am willing to adjust so I just wanted to make sure to clarify with jbm how they felt.

Being that my ball screen fell out the other day and I had to undo and redo it a few times I figured I would take the opportunity to try a few things to see how much gunk got on my screen/on to the balls.

When in a WPA with the cap pointing upwards and heated in that position combustion seemed to make the most mess of the cap and balls out of the dozen tests I did, having the water rebound in a water pipe and pushing vapour out the airholes also added oil over time. But my mess was mainly hash and rosin dripping down onto the ball screen and balls when I would lazily add it to the top of the bowl before putting it bowl facing downwards into the wand to heat up - I mean its obvious - but in both cases it ends up with tar or oil on the balls that then heat up and have issues.

I now have a little jar that I put the cap in at night and take it out in the morning *shrugs*
Yeah considering how easy it is to clean the cap, I'm surprised we were all so determined to never do it :D

I might clean tip and cap every 1-2 days. Then clean stem once a week, after collecting the honey. I'm so excited about this by the way. I love how it collects on the spiral. Smells amazing, like forbidden caramel.

I recommend users get a small glass container with lid. This way you can re-use iso many times. Cleaning just becomes a case of submerging for 30 mins, rinsing.

I’m really liking the coarse too for a full bowl. The BCG medium shreds a little too much IMO. Liking that or the fine plate for half bowls.

Oh, and jbm was replying to my genitalia joke, not you. All good, I know I can be a man-child sometimes.
I personally don't mind a ball gag. People find me more insufferable when I'm trying to discuss classic literature, than when I'm being childish.

"I paint landscapes, I paint nudes, I contain multitudes" - Bob Dylan


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry but this is gold. Not sure if it was intended but works on a couple of levels 🤣
Happy Ryan Gosling GIF by Warner Bros. Deutschland


Well-Known Member
If you can’t find the humor in us vapers talking about hot, wet, sticky balls needing a cleaning perhaps life is being taken too seriously.

Balls, heads, tips, this whole hobby is filled with terms that make me chuckle once in a while.


Well-Known Member
If you can’t find the humor in us vapers talking about hot, wet, sticky balls needing a cleaning perhaps life is being taken too seriously.

Balls, heads, tips, this whole hobby is filled with terms that make me chuckle once in a while.
I mean, we spend our time in here discussing the intricacies of inhaling vaporised plant matter. We are silly and absurd by default. I see no possible respectability to be saved via moderation of our humour :D


Well-Known Member
Decided to just clean the tip and cap last night. I'm going to clean the stem less to let the honey gather along the spiral. I want to try wiping it up with a nug before vaping it (idea came from another poster several pages back). Saturday morning is marked for scheduled lift off.

I do this with the little reclaim filter used at the bottom of the Revolve 2 stem behind where the tip attaches. Lift off is the right word because this will send you into interstellar space, or it does me.

I've managed to resist some of the Tempest drops I have had in my basket but it's been really close. Hoping the pre orders won't be far off.


Well-Known Member
Long video. But wanted to show the loading, wand time at 580f til timeout and also how quick to debowl and repack is. Helix tube. This is with a reload 1, I’ve been leaving my gen 2 at home cause I like the how slim the 1 is for on the go and I have a key ring magnet. Both work excellent with the tempest but I will say the reload 2 is a bit better with it maybe cause the size. Anyway


Pranayama; of a sort.
On the whole cleaning thing... I realised that my dirty balls where actually leaking in to the class cup in the wand... my wand cup had reclaim in it - I was wondering where the hell the smell was coming from after I had cleaned the cap and balls and put it all back together... I pulled the cup out and it was... way dirtier than I expected... I am either the dirtiest old bastard or I was loosing a lot of the rosin I put in the chamber by being really lazy and not sandwiching it properly...

I got a new herb script and its the first time I got a new herbs since using the Tempest and the flavour & effect combo is as good if not better than anything else I own; that might be strain honeymoon period talking but I am really impressed with this combo.

I might clean tip and cap every 1-2 days. Then clean stem once a week, after collecting the honey. I'm so excited about this by the way. I love how it collects on the spiral. Smells amazing, like forbidden caramel. I recommend users get a small glass container with lid. This way you can re-use iso many times. Cleaning just becomes a case of submerging for 30 mins, rinsing.
only think I would say is I wouldn't use ISO for this purpose - I have 99.5% ethanol - the main reasons are that the ISO actually ruins the flavour of the reclaim by adding its own flavour which ethanol doesn't do, in addition if you screw up ISO as we know makes you blind so, I would rather accidently leaving Ethanol than ISO in the extraction process.

Hoping the pre orders won't be far off.
even though nothing happens when I am online because - well its night in the UK when I am awake lol... I am still on here every day curious about the preorders...

It may be a good brush but the tamptool (!) on the bottom of the Reload (top)-jar is actually made for it!
I have 2 reloads and I have one of the tools out permanently because its perfect :)

I mean, we spend our time in here discussing the intricacies of inhaling vaporised plant matter. We are silly and absurd by default. I see no possible respectability to be saved via moderation of our humour :D
as silly as this sounds, I will stop beating myself up lol, I was sure I went to far, might have been why I was only on here twice yesterday for the first time in .... a month... lol
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Well-Known Member
On the whole cleaning thing... I realised that my dirty balls where actually leaking in to the class cup in the wand... my wand cup had reclaim in it - I was wondering where the hell the smell was coming from after I had cleaned the cap and balls and put it all back together... I pulled the cup out and it was... way dirtier than I expected... I am either the dirtiest old bastard or I was loosing a lot of the rosin I put in the chamber by being really lazy and not sandwiching it properly...

I got a new herb script and its the first time I got a new herbs since using the Tempest and the flavour & effect combo is as good if not better than anything else I own; that might be strain honeymoon period talking but I am really impressed with this combo.

only think I would say is I wouldn't use ISO for this purpose - I have 99.5% ethanol - the main reasons are that the ISO actually ruins the flavour of the reclaim by adding its own flavour which ethanol doesn't do, in addition if you screw up ISO as we know makes you blind so, I would rather accidently leaving Ethanol than ISO in the extraction process.

even though nothing happens when I am online because - well its night in the UK when I am awake lol... I am still on here every day curious about the preorders...

I have 2 reloads and I have one of the tools out permanently because its perfect :)

as silly as this sounds, I will stop beating myself up lol, I was sure I went to far, might have been why I was only on here twice yesterday for the first time in .... a month... lol
You are well valued in this thread mate. I've learned quite a few things from you. You also just saved me from going blind apparently :D


Well-Known Member
You are well valued in this thread mate. I've learned quite a few things from you. You also just saved me from going blind apparently :D
I would just wipe the reclaim when warm (without iso) with a cotton or so… you do not need iso the spiral only have to be warm/hot, so it is getting liquid… then you can use the cotton ball with reclaim in your tempest… it is a sort of Rosin (maybe not so tasty but, you will feel it…

I am now not cleaning my anvil with wpa anymore, when warm the reclaim trips out and I collect on cotton and vape it later in my anvil…
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Well-Known Member
I noticed some people reporting torch hits being more powerful. Do we know this is a thing? I can't get my head around why that would happen. I don't doubt it, but haven't noticed a substantial difference personally. So I'm interested in this.

Also are people referring to cloud size or potency?


Well-Known Member
I noticed some people reporting torch hits being more powerful. Do we know this is a thing? I can't get my head around why that would happen. I don't doubt it, but haven't noticed a substantial difference personally. So I'm interested in this.

Also are people referring to cloud size or potency?
Heat intensity. I achieved the same power by leaving it in the wand longer


Well-Known Member
Heat intensity. I achieved the same power by leaving it in the wand longer
Seems this would be the case. Not sure why the Zirc balls would care where the heat came from. Surely all that matters is how much of the heat capacity of the balls was utilised.

Now if we were using the heat directly from the torch, like a brick vape, then there would be lots of other considerations however.


Feel like I’m winnin’ when I’m losin’ again
Penetration; if you heat the surface layer of all of the balls super hot, it will dump all those calories quicker. Low and slow heats the balls to the core, seating the heat deeper internally and slowing it’s release.

Singularity Walker

Well-Known Member
Definitely finding the Large BCG to be my goto grinder for the Tempest.
The center post on the bottom section makes a great screen setting tool for half-bowl setting.
The center post also makes a great tamper allowing me to get a reliable, repeatable half of a half bowl.
Screen at half position, straw method to fill the bowl, place lightly on center post, start lightly pressing and spin until the bowl had surrounded the fins on the center post.
Perfect half packed half bowl every time.
That is one happy accident if there wasn't design decision driving it.


Well-Known Member
Definitely finding the Large BCG to be my goto grinder for the Tempest.
The center post on the bottom section makes a great screen setting tool for half-bowl setting.
The center post also makes a great tamper allowing me to get a reliable, repeatable half of a half bowl.
Screen at half position, straw method to fill the bowl, place lightly on center post, start lightly pressing and spin until the bowl had surrounded the fins on the center post.
Perfect half packed half bowl every time.
That is one happy accident if there wasn't design decision driving it.
The normal size BCG is not suitable for this task. I find the Reload to be perfect and I can tamp with my finger quite well. Used the tamp tool on the Reload MK2 last night and it works well also.

Tempest, Reload, wand combo is so easy to carry around the house depending on where you are. And it's a complete system. You can even have daytime/nighttime strains in the two separate containers. Anytime I choose to take a different vape to my work desk, it is substantially more cumbersome and annoying. For example Brick vape, torch, grinder, ashtray, brush. No wonder Tempest wins 99% of the time for me. Not just ease of use that is well documented, but ease of carry. Portability isn't just important outdoors.


Pranayama; of a sort.
Definitely finding the Large BCG to be my goto grinder for the Tempest.
I have been really enjoying the coarse ground actually, its now the only think I wish the Aroma-3 had.

You also just saved me from going blind apparently :D
I recon you would have evaporated it properly :)

I see. Could be something to it. This calls for experimentation
I really want to do this too but, I don't trust my timing yet, its fine sitting there sucking like trying to light a ciggie and once its alight you take away the flame (heating the tempest with a torch in the same spot while puffing like a cigar until the vapour starts works well and is argumentivily a little faster with the kitchen torch (slower with my little dynavap lighters or zippo) but that takes a bit to much attention right now...

The normal size BCG is not suitable for this task. I find the Reload to be perfect and I can tamp with my finger quite well. Used the tamp tool on the Reload MK2 last night and it works well also.
BCG medium is suitable - but BCG coarse is better imo...

Todays grinder [[ test ]] was after 4g coarse, 2g fine and 4g medium from the BCG and 4g medium in the Aroma-3 and then using each of them in different devices - in the Tempest coarse is currently my favourite and medium from the Aroma-3 is second best - the medium from the BCG is smaller and not as fluffy and doesn't have as much airflow as the other two....

... but they all work and they all rip so its minor preferences really.
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