The best way to clean the balls for a clumsy person (yeah, it sounds horrible)
Hang on, are we still talking about the Tempest?
I think you have answered your question here?
My question was whether there could be a rise of permanent damage to either device, but specifically the Tempest. The point about the method was that I've personally not come across any other ways to heat the fucka (or similar vape), bar butane torch and induction. I was kind of hoping that someone was going to chirp up and enlighten me on other heating devices (not just ih's). The TM2 was really just a thing that triggered the thought - "Hmmm, that get's 'mighty' hot in there, and my Tempest would easily fit... I wonder..."

I did mention it'd at least need a mod of some sort, but better to look at making something based on the heater but designed to heat the head directly (wrapping round tube... etc).
It's really idle speculation. But occasionally, just once in a while, an idea actually comes to something, and I enjoy bouncing things off others too!
to the people beta testing the tempest i have a question. Does the tempest allow for me to take a hit or two and put the unit down and come back/reheat at a later time? Like does reheating the bowl affect taste like it would do in a dynavap if i did that. Or since its convection it can be reheated. new to vapes besides the dynavap haha.
Any vape is going to change the profile of the mix of cannabinoids and terpenes (etc) as you work through the bowl. Obviously, a one bowl hit is a bit different. When you first pull, it'll be more of the lighter boiling point compounds likely to come off first, though not in the a nice clean way (forget those charts showing what temp you get which compounds, doesn't really work like that).
It'll be effected by the temperature, strain, coarseness of grind, density of packing into the bowl, what settings on the stem and cap airflow, not to mention how you pull on it. I'm sure there are other factors too.
Then there's the personal sensitivity to taste and smell, and which compounds you detect over others, I for one, can hardly taste anything at all much of the time, certainly nothing I could describe in any understandable way.
So you certainly can leave some for later and reheat, but I suspect it'll never be quite as good as finishing it on the same cycle. But in terms of taste, I think you need to find out for yourself before anyone else's comments mean a great deal (to you).
Nope, I mean in the wand, sorry if I was not clear. I will say that using a torch I have gotten it red on the band on the tempest cap where my rather large torch was blasting and it did do fine, I rarely use the torch though; only when I run out of battery haha which happens pretty quick sometimes.
I do find the concept of the flare from bfg and yll interesting as a potential upgrade from the wand!
Ah! Sorry, I completely misread you! Was thinking "bloody hell! I bottled out of doing that completely!"
Quoting Julius Caesar, alluding to The Tempest I imagine, and there's a user named Woolf who liked your post?
Well spotted! I did wonder if I'd made it a little too obscure, and no, I have no literary education, or indeed, true appreciation, sad to say, but I'm a sucker for a good pun, incisive quote, or just being bloody silly with whatever I can come up with! I think I also had a Prospero quote in sig for a few days! To celebrate the 'pest arriving!