The Tempest by Mad Heaters & Phatpiggie


Well-Known Member
Thanks, saw them before but they're out of stock and only go down to 3mm, was hoping to keep it all the same.
I'll send him an email though. Thank you.
No worries, I really like this website - feel like it's got the personal touch with detailed descriptions of their products and swift email response when I've messaged in the past. They sell some of my favourite vapes - Dani Fusion, Xmax v3 pro and also some Mad Heaters stems, so who knows maybe stock the Tempest at some point.


No worries, I really like this website - feel like it's got the personal touch with detailed descriptions of their products and swift email response when I've messaged in the past. They sell some of my favourite vapes - Dani Fusion, Xmax v3 pro and also some Mad Heaters stems, so who knows maybe stock the Tempest at some point.
Nothing but good experiences in my dealings with them 👍🏽


Microbe minion
There is a large choice of balls here in the UK. Still only 3mm and 6mm in Boro but plenty of metals and ceramics in other sizes to choose from if you desire. I think recvapes is the best place in the uk for corundum that I've found, but you can get those from AliExpress pretty easily too



Well-Known Member
Since the pre release isn't coming with a leather case/decapper, does anyone have recommendations. Was looking at Amazon for leather pen cases, just not sure what will fit the tempest. And my tempest was shipped today which was really fast! Thanks mad heaters/ Brenyo!


Well-Known Member
How would you even attach two tripods?
It's not the tripod stand that ispire sell. Brenyo is selling his own version that has a flat/v shaped bottom here's the link. I was wondering if you need 2 to make sure it won't tip over.

Since the pre release isn't coming with a leather case/decapper, does anyone have recommendations. Was looking at Amazon for leather pen cases, just not sure what will fit the tempest. And my tempest was shipped today which was really fast! Thanks mad heaters/ Brenyo!
Check out @Duba's work!


Putin is a War Criminal
Since the pre release isn't coming with a leather case/decapper, does anyone have recommendations. Was looking at Amazon for leather pen cases, just not sure what will fit the tempest. And my tempest was shipped today which was really fast! Thanks mad heaters/ Brenyo!
I picked up Duba's parchment case, and I really like it.


Well-Known Member
Ran a piece of cotton through/over the tempest and sandwiched it with herb after, At first I was like 'WOAH this is tasty', after a second go I realized 'no it is just this tastier when clean!'

Either way, very effective and enjoyable lazy clean as mentioned earliness!


Well-Known Member
No worries, I really like this website - feel like it's got the personal touch with detailed descriptions of their products and swift email response when I've messaged in the past. They sell some of my favourite vapes - Dani Fusion, Xmax v3 pro and also some Mad Heaters stems, so who knows maybe stock the Tempest at some point.
Yeah good shop, spoke to Matt a couple of times. Very nice guy.
I like to use vapewellness as well, Gaz is also superb, but they don't sell the balls.
Both really good shops I think.


Active Member
If I wanted to put hash or resin in would natural cotton work? Like the wick cotton?

Or is it stick to vape wool only?


Active Member
hey everyone after having a revolve gen 2 for more than a year this tempest sure sounds enticing. I do have a couple quick questions.

1st main question: so I see the tip of the tempest has a mesh screen that sounds like it removes since the kits include spares. going a little off topic I've become a master at putting my dynavap tip at half bowl using a spare dynavap tip to evenly push the CCD into place. It isn't hard to do but tedious. Please tell me the tempest mesh screen is easy to take out and reapply.

also I see people talking about not needing to remove the balls to clean the cap part but like to remove the disc part before cleaning the ball chamber. if I did ever need to open the ball chamber to clean does that screen come out and reapply easily aswell?

really looking forward to the official release I'm waiting till then so the disc click


Well-Known Member
hey everyone after having a revolve gen 2 for more than a year this tempest sure sounds enticing. I do have a couple quick questions.

1st main question: so I see the tip of the tempest has a mesh screen that sounds like it removes since the kits include spares. going a little off topic I've become a master at putting my dynavap tip at half bowl using a spare dynavap tip to evenly push the CCD into place. It isn't hard to do but tedious. Please tell me the tempest mesh screen is easy to take out and reapply.

also I see people talking about not needing to remove the balls to clean the cap part but like to remove the disc part before cleaning the ball chamber. if I did ever need to open the ball chamber to clean does that screen come out and reapply easily aswell?

really looking forward to the official release I'm waiting till then so the disc click
So the current mesh screens for the bowl won’t be the final version that come out in full release. They should be easier to set into half screen, the ones with pre release are hit or miss in my experience but bought some off Amazon that work just great in half setting. I set my screens in the tempest in a similar fashion you described but using the reload to do it.

The screen for the balls screws in place, also utilizing the reload 2s debowler part you can easily unscrew and replace that screen just be careful not to lose any balls!
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Active Member
So the current mesh screens for the bowl won’t be the final version that come out in full release. They should be easier to set into half screen, the ones with pre release are hit or miss in my experience but bought some off Amazon that work just great in half setting. I set my screens in the tempest in a similar fashion you described but using the reload to do it.

The screen for the balls screws in place, also utilizing the reload 2s debowler part you can easily unscrew and replace that screen just be careful not to lose any balls!
do i need the reload to unscrew the screen for the balls? i have a super tiny flat head screwdriver I use as a bowl scraper would that work?

Singularity Walker

Well-Known Member
do i need the reload to unscrew the screen for the balls? i have a super tiny flat head screwdriver I use as a bowl scraper would that work?
That will likely work fine. I use a screwdriver for the ball screen mostly because I don't feel like removing the tool from the reload.

BTW - if anyone watching the site and feeling left out, green is the word Gone.

EDIT: congrats to whomever joined the ranks
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Active Member
one last question that came to mind haha I apologize for the spam. so if the screen for the balls screws into place and the tip screen currently is in a beta period where it's mesh now but won't be with the final release. So will the final release tip screen also be screw in style or still a push to apply(like the tempest tip currently is and like how the dynavap is) if i overthought this don't be afraid to tell haha. Im just curious what the difference will be from the current mesh screens to final release screens and how they will operate.

Owning a dynavap and using the half bowl means I'm always fiddling with it when cleaning which i have to do almost weekly. I know the tempest wont need to be cleaned as often since the bowl isn't directly in the induction coil hence no charr reclaim sticking to the tip like it does with my dynavap. But overtime i know that the tempest will need to be cleaned and I'm just hoping the screens will be a seamless process haha


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure I can answer your first question, but I'll tell you I'm over 200 sessions in on the Tempest exclusively using full bowl. I haven't removed either screen and cleaning has not been bad. I've documented my techniques in the thread.

You don't need to clean the tempest as often as a dynavap. The first things I notice are 1) taste, 2) draw restriction 3) reclaim coming out of the carb

Once reclaim starts jumping out of the carb, I'll usually do my lazy clean, but every 2-3 weeks I have a group iso bath for my tools.
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Active Member
I'm not sure I can answer your first question, but I'll tell you I'm over 200 sessions in on the Tempest exclusively using full bowl. I haven't removed either screen and cleaning has not been bad. I've documented my techniques in the thread.

You don't need to clean the tempest as often as a dynavap. The first things I notice are 1) taste, 2) draw restriction 3) reclaim coming out of the carb

Once reclaim starts jumping out of the carb, I'll usually do my lazy clean, but every 2-3 weeks I have a group iso bath for my tools.
thanks for the reply! not needing to clean as often has me really interested I love my dynavap(revolve gen 2) but man it sucks cleaning that dynavap tip regularly.

Also I have a ultrasonic cleaner I use for my dynavap parts. Would that make cleaning the tempest(without disassembling) even easier?


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure I can answer your first question, but I'll tell you I'm over 200 sessions in on the Tempest exclusively using full bowl. I haven't removed either screen and cleaning has not been bad. I've documented my techniques in the thread.

You don't need to clean the tempest as often as a dynavap. The first things I notice are 1) taste, 2) draw restriction 3) reclaim coming out of the carb

Once reclaim starts jumping out of the carb, I'll usually do my lazy clean, but every 2-3 weeks I have a group iso bath for my tools.
Agreed on it not needing clean as much, but I have busted through maybe 3 or 4 of the mesh screens. Everyone is different for sure, but just saying that the current screens for me on full bowl would not be a satisfactory end game screen (or I would do as I do now, treat em as disposable).


Active Member
@ljstavy here ya go. Screen install vid
One of the easier bowls I’ve dealt with ;)
I truly appreciate the help guys! when looking at this device in the forums at first I was over in the Revolve forum haha then found this one like last week. when I first saw this forum and the 153 pages my jaw dropped haha.

i appreciate the help even if these topics get repetitive for you guys.

@ljstavy here ya go. Screen install vid
One of the easier bowls I’ve dealt with ;)
after watching that video my stoner brain activated haha now I wonder if using a spare dynavap tip to push those mesh screens in would be easier since the diameter of the dynavap tip is wider it evenly pushes the mesh screen into the groove.

it looks relatively easy though even with those mesh screens with the way you are doing it. It has me intrigued. I don't plan on disassembling mine unless the screen gets clogged but it's good to know it can be removed. I like long-term vapes like how my dynavap has been. this reminds me of a dynavap with the all titanium build which means it will last it isn't like a battery vape with non-removable batteries or other issues with some handheld vapes.


Well-Known Member
How are y'all busting your screens? Are you on half-bowl?

I use a bebowler like below and scrape the screen sometimes. The CCD in my Dani didn't last one mistake in that thing, but I'm still on my first Tempest screen. Then I give it a toot toot to blow out leftovers. Once in a while I swab the inside and outside. Gotta keep your threads clean!

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