Great to see another Austrian here, what region are you from?
I‘m from good old Vienna. And you?
This sizzeling is definitely coming from the ball chamber. It can’t be water residue, I‘ve heated it up so many times since cleaning.
I don’t find it problematic in any way, it reminds me a little bit of bonfire crackling or the stones in a sauna
It can’t be fingergrease, cause I didn’t touch the top in while, I just screw it off on the reload.
Anyways, I‘m now getting very good results, without combusting or charring, but I had to push the class cup way up in the wand. I think it’s as far as it goes on the top. 1,5-2mm inwards from the red ring on the bottom.
It’s all cooked evenly now, no more black on top, brown on bottom.
I can’t see the VI that way, but the vaping results are amazing now!
Maybe my wand has the coil set a litte to high? Don’t know if that’s even possible