Well-Known Member
Not sure if it is just the lighting, but the air path in the glass looks too narrow for the atomizer?
Ya, i see what you mean. Hopefully it is the lighting.
Not sure if it is just the lighting, but the air path in the glass looks too narrow for the atomizer?
My Sub is now unusableI was using the E-Nail and then switched in the Apollo onto the atty without noticing it was off and that was apparently enough to fuse the two pieces together. I tried freezing it and then heating it back up to full but the two pieces will not budge. Anyone have any ideas?
If I can't fix it by tomorrow I'm buying a new one (for fast replacement) and then contacting PV to get the warranty process going. I'm hoping it's covered by the warranty, haven't heard of this happening before anyway.
Let it cool down, then get a hard object and hit it between the joint (where they join) until it comes out. Works every time. Enrico's recommendation.
Glad it worked out for ya! Happy Thanksgiving!!!!Thanks, that worked! So happy now.
Both pictures shot with two different cameras, but i agree with ya. This does look a lot nicer! I have some more pictures of it on my facebook page.thats a much nicer pic dudevery nice
I wouldn't really called "Sublimator Oil", 'reclaim'. I believe that Sublimator makes it's own product which would be heat extracted. So the most important thing with this product is that it is FULLY DECARBOXYLIZED. That being said, you can utilize it in every way you need! You can eat it (We're currently building up to make some crazy pills), Topically apply it to skin (Wounds and bruises), or just plain old dabbing.If you're telling me to compare the resin from an MFLB glass stem, I'd go with the sublimator oil for sure.Especially when you can have so many different types of form, and strains going into the pile, I think this would be the best!the recalim that i see in the bulb looks tasty! I noticed it's from teh enail! so make sense why it appreas to flow like that!
how would you say oil reclaim compares to vapor reclaim? any difference? looks the same (ie thick red oil)
I'd assume that herbs would be much better due to the fact that Concentrates are always restricted not to have all properties, which would be all the terpenes and oils, things that make this baby taste good. When the herbs are heated, Every necessary compound is extracted (I haven't been using my apollo since the earlier days, but for sure I will come back to it and have a 14mm glass adapter so i don't have to rip it off my reclaim piece each time it suctions.@ tommii,
thx for the reply. I agree with you that sub reclaim is much nicer that the reclaim i get off my oil rig (oil reclaim) and also nicer than my vap reclaim (hot air extracted ssv/lsv/mflb stems etc, or iso cleaning reduced extract.)
all are relaim to me, but different types
i mean herb sub reclaim compared to oil reclaim.
or maybe your 2 mix together?
on the subject of slublimator replaim
I only get herb reclaim. (I will run herb reclaim though sub, but not extract types) I have a Ti dabber setup and it's the king for concentrate consumption afai-am-concerned
so sub reclaim: it's a truly beautiful thing. I almost like it more than butane first wash. why? because no concentrates that's why! haha
no seriously. sub oil. is thick! it's always a clear but dark red. some truly beautiful stuff! and it tastes great! with no expectorant effects. as iso and butane extracts can have.
It's great in the SR-71 Herc.Subculture... Anyone tried sublimate in a Persei/Omicron cartridge?
I think that the Sublimator oil is very different from reclaim.
Yes, in my experience. It is more free of extraneous matter, it's more potent, it tastes different, and its consistency is more like taffy.If you are speaking from experience, please explain!
So, lets talk Sublimator. From my experience, the most closest smell that the Sublimator Reclaim could resemble something, would be Rick Simpson' Phoenix Tears. I assume that both smell and give off all the oils and terpenes (They mash the herb really hard while there is iso), but to it as well smells decarbed all the way (They cook it in a pot to evape). I can't compare the pungent smell to anything else. I'll be honest, I've never had any reclaim from vapes except the tiniest off a MFLB glass stem which was almost nothing. So I cannot tell you an accurate answer in comparison of other smell. (I'll head over to the cafe and check out their volcanos.)@Tommii
I have zero experience with concentrates, so I defer to you here, but my sub reclaim smelled, tasted and felt very similar to the reclaim I get with my other vapes (but I have to clean them to get the reclaim).