My atomizer screws off with no issue. Let it cool down and screw it off to properly clean it. I read a post a few pages back detailing it so I tried..... no problem at all. It simply just screws off. I know they say that it will void your warranty... but seriously I don't see how they would tell. Its just a screwed on metal cap with holes in it.
Do you mean your Apollo?
Because the voiding of the warranty applies to the Apollo, not the Atomizer.
No problem!
Did you happen to take any photos?
Woo, been subbing maybe too much lately. Forgot to check the thread here for a few days.
With pleasure.
See now, that wasn't so bad. Comes off pretty easy. Goes back on no problem, and now I'm about to hit the thing now that it's heated up again. Cheers everyone.
I did not but it was super easy. It literally just screws right off. There is nothing underneath except the metal heating element. That's it. No wires or anything...
Please be very careful doing this, if the main Apollo head is very tight on the inner threads you will twist the heater and break the leads going in to it rendering your Apollo very sad (broken). Kind of a Russian roulette, once you twist on it.I just took mine apart as well
How long does it take for your dabmaster to heat up to level 10 for concentrate use? Mine has been taking as much as 20 minutes to get to the correct temp when I was under the impression that it would only take 5-10 minutes
So what do u typically expect for a heat up time for dabbing?I said earlier in the thread their 7 minute heat up was not correct.
False advertising if I ever seen it.
So more like an hour heat up for true Sublimation experience.