I really like my stock grill wedged in there, it doesn't come out when I dump so I can't lose it. I haven't cleaned it yet though, it's in there a little deep for torching so I will soak the whole thing in 99% to see if that does the trick. It's pretty gunked up but it works. And no particles are getting through this baby, no sirree!
I'm a le kit owner and I finally tried my sub in a glass piece that I borrowed from a friend, and honestly I like the taste much better out of the le kit. Its kinda shocking that I would prefer a dry plastic tube over nice peculated glass, but I think if you tried both side by side like i have, you will come to the same verdict. Seems like there's too much drag on the glass pieces ive tried soo far, it could be a big factor. For taste i would definitely have to give it to the le.
I agree that the le kit is totally worth it, but I like having the glass too! I start my evening with the le (launchpad) tube, then finish it with the bong; I have found with my measurements I can consume exactly twice as much in a single hit; there is a bit of a hammer effect when I consume a "double"
As far as reclaiming sublimation goes, I am seriously looking forward to PV's upcoming creation. As it sits I do not get the hoped-for goop in the launchpad base, but there is some buildup in the entry tubes. Most of mine is in the atomizer, or seeping out of the threads and is hard to reclaim efficiently so I need to work on that. But the hits that I have tried are dabsolutely delicious
After using my sub almost exclusively since getting it, I have to say, the high is just not as satisfying on my other units.
Still room for improvement, but definitely a fun and effective device.
I still like to finish the evening with the SSV sometimes instead of the sub/bong, that last hit after the final stir can be quite the nightcap.