Wow so awesome to see units being shipped, hell yeah! Let's see some videos guys, I can't be one of the only ones with a camera phone. Let's see some action!
P.S. I highly recommend a JHook with the Splinter.
I should have a final updated Splinter come Monday. Looking forward to see how the thicker glass and other updates effect performance.
That's a awesome combo, how's the cooling stem hitting???Got my Splinter & a cooling stem. 1st impression - it fucken rocks, already retired my dynavaps. Cooling stem definitely works well. Still dialing it in but at 34W I do 2-3 button presses & get nice big clouds & even browning. Thankyou @RastaBuddhaTao
As FC doesn't host, you have to post pictures and video via a public third party facility. I'm much less inclined.Wow so awesome to see units being shipped, hell yeah! Let's see some videos guys, I can't be one of the only ones with a camera phone. Let's see some action!
P.S. I highly recommend a JHook with the Splinter.
It hits like a dream , really a big difference from the short stem. You don't feel the heat at all using it compared to it. I think I may like the short stem a drop better as I like being able to feel the vapor forming and a bit of heat and with the cooling stem it is almost non existent. Still have to get some more usage in with both to really pass judgment. I am roughly 8 bowls in so far using both equally.That's a awesome combo, how's the cooling stem hitting???
EDIT: I'm not very happy with Ryan's style of communication. He should send mails with important informations to his customers or publish a FAQ section at his site instead of forcing them to watch all the Instagram stuff. There are a lot of uncertain infos.
Ryan did a heck of a job on his website upgrade, and he's successfully transitioned a hobbyish project to a full scale production line. He's always said he doesn't want to do intensive customer service, preferring to leave that to retail front ends he's partnering with. You have the option of buying his products that way, instead.
I view purchasing from Ryan direct as an invitation to participate at the wholesaler level, at the late beta stage. With all the pluses and minuses that entails ... definitely more pluses than minuses for me personally.
It's here! Opened it up to gawk. I'll be running it on a Evic Primo. Two fresh batts, loaded and ready to rock. Is there anything at all that would seem impossible to fuck up, that I will? Any last minute starting out pointers/tips? Can it be as easy starting out as setting a wattage and ripping one out, with time to dial it in over time? I just don't want to fuck it up. I've been looking forward to this for awhile. Thanks!
So the Splinter is suppose to come with two sizes of stems? Mine came with two of what's in the pic.It hits like a dream , really a big difference from the short stem.
Forgot to mention, I did 6-8 10 sec burn-offs, initial smell was pretty bad.Expect's a odd new taste smell first couple of stems. Burnoff might not be bad ideal.