The 510 connection will also sit on the bottom of the wood chassis unlike some of the ones that recently went out which are recessed into the wood.
Was this to done alleviate the issue of the 510 separating from the wood either due to over-tightening on the mod &/or frequent removal of the Splinter from the mod? Mine is recessed so I'm gonna, like
@Other Side did, use a 22mm heat sink so I don't have to ever touch the 510 on the Splinter.
I think he's switching from 19/22 to 19/19 glass fittings for the next batch.
The current batch he's working on for Vapefiend is the (
I believe) 1st batch with the new German, 19/19mm, clear glass. The glass is thicker & rim sits better on the wood;
I believe narrower & flusher. Take a look at RBT's instagram pics to see the difference. Also, I remember him saying that these are 1/8" longer, & once again,
I believe, it's to accommodate the change in glass. Sometimes it's hard to follow on IG streams with freezing & low laptop volume.
The EU batch will be shipped out this coming week so should be available soon.