Hey everyone, Ryan published his live stream on instagram. You just gotta watch it, it's great. Really informative in so many regards. And he showed the prototype for the future Splinter Z which will be based on the zion heater.Don't know how long it's up for, so I hope you all manage to catch it.
Woooooooo!!!! How exciting man. I chill around 27-32. Maybe 32 for a quick warmup, then drop down to 27/28 area. Maybe bump to 30 to finish off.@AJS where are you running yours? Just fired mine up for the first time!! Started around 28 watts but hanging at like 32 currently. SO freaking cool!
@AJS where are you running yours? Just fired mine up for the first time!! Started around 28 watts but hanging at like 32 currently. SO freaking cool!
Woooooooo!!!! How exciting man. I chill around 27-32. Maybe 32 for a quick warmup, then drop down to 27/28 area. Maybe bump to 30 to finish off.
Not loving the form factor of a pico+splinter +xlbr. Too tall and narrow. All Glass at the top which will fall farther and harder. Keeps tipping over. Guess I'm headed for another mod. Didn't foresee how much bigger and more unruly it'd be vs the milaana. Is it really practical?
I've literally never gone above 35, I could combust on 30 if I wanted to. Maybe our mods just react differently.I did get thicker vapour and I like controlling the density via draw speed. However I found I still wanted to run at 40w despite other stating that's on the high side. I was aiming for dark ABV though so maybe others prefer theirs on the lighter side. I was running through an MFLB Orbiter
I've literally never gone above 35, I could combust on 30 if I wanted to. Maybe our mods just react differently.