Discontinued The Splinter by RBT

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60 going on 20
I'm not sure about often, but have been testing with 2 mods, so I have swapped back and forth maybe once or twice a day during the past 5 days
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Chronic vapaholic
Ah... could be the problem then. I did it way less often, perhaps less than 10 times with the iHeat, and it was enough to make it unusable on my brand new evic Primo mini, which only saw that single attachment.

It's still unclear whether the problem comes from the male 510 or the female though. But I'm starting to get the same issues since I moved it to the evic VTC mini, so it could well be a problem with the iHeat itself rather than the mod(s).

Note that in my case, I don't get the "check atomizer" message, just wild resistance changes. Your issue might be different altogether. Did you check when screwing it in not fully?

Reminds me I need to perform some checks too...


60 going on 20
I was starting to notice resistance changes......and two brand new mods, makes me think it might be the male...

Chime in if anyone knows how to troubleshoot/isolate these kinds of faults.....also, any multimeter measurements on the Splinter that would tell me anything?

little maggie

Well-Known Member
I still haven't figured out the watts and settings. But I finally felt well enough to try it with my evic two single battery box mod and a whip. I think it was AJS who said not to overthink it because it would work out of the box. And it does!!
I updated it with FJ's firmware before using. I'm not sure if that did anything because I can't get cruise control on it the way I can with the tubo.
But it works great- the battery has lasted much longer than on other on-demand vapes and the vapor is relatively cool. Huge hits with lots of vapor smoke and no coughing.
I hsven't had problems with the evic but maybe that happens over time? I'm not quite sure what problems others are having.
The evic and splinter also look very nice together- aesthetics not that important to me but it's nice to see.


cui bono?
One thing that surprises me about the Splinter is that it doesn't really follow a typical convection vape airflow dependence profile. This may be true of all RBT vapes but this is my first so I am a n00b.

With most convection vapes, a long slow gentle draw results in the hottest fullest vapor and a massive rip, but with the Splinter that doesn't really apply. Instead it almost requires a specific minimum draw speed, and it seems to work better the faster you pull on it. It is taking some getting used to. It also performs much better with a clean screen - this much is not surprising.

I think I am going to give some 14mm stems a try to see how those do.

Other Side

One thing that surprises me about the Splinter is that it doesn't really follow a typical convection vape airflow dependence profile. This may be true of all RBT vapes but this is my first so I am a n00b.

With most convection vapes, a long slow gentle draw results in the hottest fullest vapor and a massive rip, but with the Splinter that doesn't really apply. Instead it almost requires a specific minimum draw speed, and it seems to work better the faster you pull on it.

You can still kinda puff on it but yes I agree it performs better as a ripper than a sipper.

little maggie

Well-Known Member
I use the Ddave stems that have an inside screen and an outside one with the splinter as well as all my other vapes like the tubo, milaana etc. I order some 14mm ones from him but there will be a wait for those. I like that I can just use these stems for everything and they are perfect for whips.


Well-Known Member
can someone who ownes a splinter and iheat compare them please... I only know the heating element should be different and the iheat uses no glass... how is the performance of thevtwo...
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Well-Known Member
can someone who ownes a splinter and iheat compare them please... I only know the heating element should be different and the iheat uses no glass... how is the performance of thevtwo...

I have both and they are both awesome. They are very similar and it has been my experience is that the iHeat is slightly faster to heat up from cold but the Splinter does a little better job of nice even heat.


Well-Known Member
@mucsusn if you are still experiencing problems please complete a warranty form on the www. We can send down another unit to see if it's the unit of the mod. A few extras where made knowing that we would likely experience some infant mortality. I had the same problem in the past and the suggestions that @KeroZen mentioned are spot on. If it doesn't work on multiple mods that points to the Splinter. I am also curious as to what the problem could be. Thanks for everyone's patience and help as we learn from this initial Splinter fleet. These lessons will ensure that issues are resolved prior to full launch.


60 going on 20
@mucsusn if you are still experiencing problems please complete a warranty form on the www. We can send down another unit to see if it's the unit of the mod. A few extras where made knowing that we would likely experience some infant mortality. I had the same problem in the past and the suggestions that @KeroZen mentioned are spot on. If it doesn't work on multiple mods that points to the Splinter. I am also curious as to what the problem could be. Thanks for everyone's patience and help as we learn from this initial Splinter fleet. These lessons will ensure that issues are resolved prior to full launch.
@RastaBuddhaTao thanks for the response. I emailed this afternoon and Ike answered immediately. It will be on its way in the morning and I’ll email the tracking info.


Long Island, NY

"Because that's all I do here
I use the Ddave stems that have an inside screen and an outside one with the splinter as well as all my other vapes like the tubo, milaana etc. I order some 14mm ones from him but there will be a wait for those. I like that I can just use these stems for everything and they are perfect for whips.

Can you post a pic of the stem & screens?


Toolbag v1.1 (candidate)
Staff member
Getting a check atomizer message on both mods.......anybody out there know what I should look for?

If you've been swapping it back and forth between mod boxes it's possible that you have loosened the connector. The centre post on the bottom looks like a slotted screw head. See if it's loose and if so, tighten gently. I wouldn't put too much force on it, but making it finger tight should be okay.
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