Thanks for the beta test feedback, vids pics and post... you earned it kid. The newer unit is better in part because of your feedback!Zion still more full bodied and gets thicker clouds for me once heated up. Splinter not quite there for me but it's closer to Zion than it is to Milaana. Love all 3, and I think only under a lot of use would one find much of a difference. To the average joe it's just 3 great vapes.
Edit: well got me a little surprise .. the one on the right came today. Did a quick sesh just to see whatsup and it vapes much more even than my original and the wood looks great. More texture, really love it. @RastaBuddhaTao is the man! Will do a water test today and see if it can hold a milk longer in the 14mm with the more even vaping .... excited to see!!
Sorry about that friend. Thanks for taking note of the improvements in Quality. These first units were made by hand and the wood was slightly large. A torque test will be added to check for this on the future.
Please complete a warranty form on the www and send it in and we will repair or replace it.
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