Hey All!
Hope everything is well with you all. Need some input, pretty please. Not hip on all the glass joint lingo and wanna make sure I get the appropriate size for my new Splinter. It came with two stems. One clear, one cobalt. The clear fits like a glove. The other, sadly, not so much. Just brings lots of air to an already effortless draw! Just wondering if any knew the official size of the two joints. I don't want to buy a loosey-goosey. Not looking to spend too much more on this.

I need a longer/bent stem. Slow, hearty draws= hot fuckin' vapor on these shorts!
Other than that, I've found the Splinter is absolutely lovely through water. Problem is I can't feel any heat off the hit and if it's set too hot, Combustion City! Still combing through these pages for some possible TC settings. I dig wattage just fine, but figure TC may help curb the near char through my glass. Anywho, thanks for any morsels of info you share. Have a wonderful evening!