i ordered one of these on sunday the 14th and it showed up on thursday the 18th. the ordering experience was great and obviously my order was shipped without delay. it came wrapped safely in bubble wrap in a ziploc bag in a well newspaper-packed box.
first impression: damn this thing is thicc! somehow it is bigger than it seemed to me in the pictures. no matter! the wood is super beautiful and everything is well machined. there was a bit of leftover sawdust and a little bit of splintering on the insides of the heat shield and stem; but it was no problem for me to give it a little cleanup with a pair of tweezers and a brush. i also waxed it up.
fyi, i'm using a dna250 mod. the coils it came with looked good, and worked just fine in wattage mode. but they unfortunately did not work properly in temp control. my mod was registering the temp at much lower values than the coil had actually reached (~90°c but it was glowing red). i had a go a fixing it, tightening the posts, checking the coils for little shorts, etc. no dice at all. so i built my own coil, which i'm accustomed to doing, and i was looking forward to doing with this atomizer anyway. but let me say again that this worked fine out of the box in wattage mode, which i was just personally not satisfied to be relegated to.
i twisted a single 3 loop coil with the wire doubled back on itself. i used a stainless dual core clapton to do it, 24ga x 24ga x 32ga. wrapped around a sharpie marker and in a towering stovetop configuration. it occupies most of the space provided for by the heat shield and rings in at .56Ω.
it works great!

i've been trying different temperatures, and it works great both for sipping on light purpy terpy slurpies and for choking down lung-buster huffy stuffies, or anything in between. it's got a nice free flowing airflow. i like the bowl size and the basket screen. this is definitely going to be in my regular rotation alongside my (considerably pricier) enano and lotus.

great job!