Well-Known Member
My prize bundle arrived today! I thought I'd do a quick little unboxing. I've done the burn-in but won't be able to actually use it for a little while. I might post a little review once I get a chance too. Here it is in all its glory:
My package also included a quick start guide, some stickers, and a personalized note (on the back of the anti ball ball vape club card). I'm interested in seeing the updated quick start guide with Coach Reuben once it's finished.
I really appreciate the extras that were included like the glass pieces, which I actually needed, and the screens. With that being said, I couldn't help but find it a little funny how many extra screens were included.
It'll be years until I need to buy more screens.
And lastly, my favorite part of the bundle, the wittle scoop. Just look at it
I tend to smoke smaller bowls so I might be using the little scoop more than the big one lol
I wanted to say thank you again to @Vapvana for the end game equipment. It'll be the first thing I grab during the upcoming holiday this month
And further down the line I'm excited to take a crack at the wireless version once that comes in. I'm sure it'll be great

My package also included a quick start guide, some stickers, and a personalized note (on the back of the anti ball ball vape club card). I'm interested in seeing the updated quick start guide with Coach Reuben once it's finished.

I really appreciate the extras that were included like the glass pieces, which I actually needed, and the screens. With that being said, I couldn't help but find it a little funny how many extra screens were included.

And lastly, my favorite part of the bundle, the wittle scoop. Just look at it

I wanted to say thank you again to @Vapvana for the end game equipment. It'll be the first thing I grab during the upcoming holiday this month