The Screwball by Vapvana

Grass Yes

Staff member
has anyone in the industry or user for that matter, tried using an induction coil instead of an enail coil in the desktop unit?
Camouflet is promoting this with their new Injector unit. It is specifically not a ball vape, but uses a scaled up version of their metal heater. Also several of the vapcap-style ball vapes work with an induction heater to some degree.

I believe Ryan's new glass ball vape had some version with metal to work with induction heaters.

It seems like a terrible way to heat any kind of heating material like rubies or boro balls, because induction is a skin effect. So it takes a lot of radiant heat to transfer to the filler material.


Well-Known Member
Sorry @ApparentlyStoned, I couldn't resist! Some thing comes over me, and next thing I know, the edit option has timed out, and it's all downhill from there! 🙄

Apropos absolutely nothing, beyond Cal's moves towards a wireless heating head, has anyone in the industry or user for that matter, tried using an induction coil instead of an enail coil in the desktop unit? It just occurred to me, if it'd work then it would be a far safer unit, as the coil itself wouldn't be directly heated, could even open up possibilities to surround it and/or line it with other materials (conductors/insulators/whatever) so it either had a heat capacity of it's own, and/or was better insulated between head and coil (so the hot head wouldn't heat the cold coil).
Maybe it ain't practical, but anyone ever heard of this being done, or at least tried?
Check out the Camouflet Inductor and Injector:


Well-Known Member
Damnit! They stole my idea!!! And worse, they did it before I thought of it!!!! Aaaaaagh! 😖

General Disaster

A Country Member
Interesting. My initial thought was merely replacing the traditional enail coil that many wireless heaters seem to use, with an induction coil, but essentially the same kind of set up. It does have some complications, temp measurement may need something a little more thought out.
Another idea was the induction coil built into the head, but having two terminals sticking out away from the handle, as though someone had ripped it off the main unit, coil and all! And the desktop unit would just have two small diameter holes to receive those terminals, or rods if you like, making an electrical connection within and firing up the coil, but they'd be strong enough to hold the weight of the head while it heated, and would insert maybe a couple cm. But it's messy, not very elegant.

My greatest idea for a wireless ball vape head, is attaching a long length of elastic, so after a really really powerful blast on it, you could just collapse to the floor, letting go of it, and it would fly back to the stand, safely settling in there, awaiting your recovery! 🤓🤡💀
And even better, you could sell upgrades to people with wired kit! It'd still work! 😣🪓🩸

Got to say though, I do like that inductor, as opposed to a coil type, nice! It's a shame I can't just buy the handset and a power/temp box. It's a lovely bit of kit, but sadly a little rich for my pay check. I'd have to actually try something like that for a bit to be able to justify the cost, no crossing fingers and hoping. Shame really, it has a rather nice charm to it, feels retro, almost reminiscent of a 70's record player in an odd way (or did I just put too much in the bowl a few mins ago?).
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Well-Known Member
Got to say though, I do like that inductor, as opposed to a coil type, nice! It's a shame I can't just buy the handset and a power/temp box. It's a lovely bit of kit, but sadly a little rich for my pay check.
Yeah with ya there. Really do like torching but this looks like a great compliment! As long as I’ve had my eye on it now, it’d probably been worth it already .. :suspicious: Maybe I’ll cave in one day.

General Disaster

A Country Member
Maybe, one day, they'll be able to get the tech small enough (power supply the big issue I guess) to pack all that and a decent battery, in something the size of that hand piece. A real pocket sized heater! That would be toot-sweet!

Y'know, this is where the demolition of the high-street retail market has buggered us up somewhat. Little or no chance of finding outlets where you can handle and even try before shelling out such large amounts of moulah! I know most of the makers and sellers are in good faith, but this is a pretty personal thing, takes more than just quality to satisfy. At 2/300 upwards a shot, these things can be expensive to take a chance on, especially in a fast growing arena like this. And often being unable to try it at home as it disallows returns doesn't really help the matter.

It's a bit of a quandary really, as relatively early adopters we subsidise the development of new idea's and subsequent models.
Look at what VAS really is for a minute?
Is it that because we're stoner's, we're somehow subject to some force that makes us spend more than we should need to, to indulge in the hobby? Because for a popular term to arise like that suggests it effects a lot of the people here. But that's not what I would normally expect in a niche 'hobbyist' area like this. I think in most mature hobbies (for want of a better word or phrase) people do still follow acquisitive practices - that's normal in many species, it's an evolutionary aspect of survival, in these era's a major driver of evolution is resource scarcity, and that's very often (especially with humans) because of competing with their own kind as much or more than other species (with human's, most other species, esp. mammals have now been driven to extinction or close to, by us).

So, we are genetically attuned to automatically want to gather resources. For the healthy majority, once satiated, the urge reduces, though for a minority this feedback loop is broken, and they want more, the more they have - ergo, the like's of Elon Gates! This would be ok, except we've developed the structure and technology that allow one person to acquire so much it massively damages not only their own species, but all the others that make up the biosphere, without which we can't survive long term. Any who, I've digressed, sorry!

So, we're mostly attuned to acquire until we have all we need and want, pretty much. So why is this area so prevalent to VAS (or it's equivalent elsewhere - BAS, CAS DAS, etc)? Despite the high cost for many of us? If you are into HiFi for instance, I'd like to bet that for most people, they'd put all their money into a single all-beating system, rather than half a dozen of lower quality scattered through the house? All the expensive accessories that make as much profit or more than the original item, is repeated many times for each time the latest and greatest device comes out.

But, I have to concede that this is also the very nature of what I would call a high tech grass roots development area. And to return to my original point (what the fuck was all that BS just now, then? I amaze myself sometimes!) we are paying for that development, and THAT's what VAS really is!
not saying there's lot's of individual psychology at work for each of us, but at it's core, I believe that's the driver of VAS!
So next time you lament the drop in your current balance ("Oh hell! I've lost my balance!!! 😨"), remember, if it pisses you off, you're actually investing in the industry! It may seem wasteful putting that old vape in the drawer to gather dust, but actually, each 'lost' item is actually some value taken out of the environment and passed to the vape industry, because it's part of the process of buying another, removing it from the dynamics of the whole process, leaving the vacuum that brings in new stuff! After all, however good the vapes are, is anyone really going to use 16 vapes on a regular basis? I doubt many would use more than 3 or 4 as their daily items.

[Edit:] I've really got to stop those early morning tokes! Or just start writing crap novels?
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Well-Known Member
I've really got to stop those early morning tokes! Or just start writing crap novels?
lol! I was grinning the entire read, good stuff. You could definitely unleash here
they'll be able to get the tech small enough (power supply the big issue I guess) to pack all that and a decent battery, in something the size of that hand piece.
I’m convinced aliens already have this and just won’t share 👽 (don’t blame em)
is anyone really going to use 16 vapes on a regular basis? I doubt many would use more than 3 or 4 as their daily items.
I’ve acquired 9 in the past year and a half and yea, it’s starting to get hard to fit them all in the schedule :lol:

General Disaster

A Country Member
I’m convinced aliens already have this and just won’t share 👽 (don’t blame em)
Aliens took over the UK many decades ago (it was back in the late 70's, to be sure), and after a couple brief years of warring on the local's, finally took over lock, stock and barrel. Some older people may remember the terrible attempt to put a tax on being Polish, and the subsequent Pol-tax riots which were one of the few successful fight-backs before the end came.

Now they've fully established and integrated themselves in control of the country, they take on human sounding aspects using names like FatPyggi, to sell us their proprietary technology at a huge mark-up to cover the copyrights! 😁

But beware! It's all an evil plan! They embed brainwashing machines in their products, causing many normal human's to develop the most awfully chronic case's of VAS - in actual fact, it's now been discovered by researchers at Imperial College that VAS is a complete artifical condition, brought on deliberately by alien and unknown tech. In the worse cases it takes litre's of Chlorpromazine to immobilise the victim! (The medical staff need to take it to cope with the patients!).
Indeed, Vapvana's Screwball is a covert attempt to take the fight to these evil aliens by providing better and cheaper alternatives with far better brainwashing machines! But the aliens now fight back with all kinds of accessories and add-on's, it's becoming a losing battle for the Earth!

If you've any concern's you may have been effected, the only sure fire way to tell, is to think really hard about whether you ever want to buy another vape ever again - and if anything other than an instant, total and complete rejection of that thought occurs, you need medical intervention urgently! This is cumulative and harder to remove than mercury poisoning! Go to for more information from the experts.

The best starting point for the ignorant and naïve is to take care never to talk with someone with an English accent! From there, you can start to build up your biase's and discrimination's to protect you from anyone talking sense evil! Once you've cracked that, it's downhill all the way!

Vote Bezos! Vote Musk!! Vote General Disaster!!!
(You know it makes sense!)
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Well-Known Member
I’ll definitely keep an eye out on dfreeze. A matching set would be amazing.

Can you taste the wood on a wood bowl? 🤔

I have to lay off buying stuff for a little bit. I got case, battery, bubbler, j-hook, numerous stains.
And why is a Pelinail so alluring right now. 🤦🏻‍♂️

I won’t be able to use it this weekend so I want a few new things when I get back to it. 😂

Up next though is setting up a nice safe place for it away from the kids and dogs.
If you are interested in a matching set you should contact him they are great to work with I'll be posting videos if the full size and the micro dose bowl soon


Well-Known Member
I tried a concentrate for the first time in my life today; I sandwiched a grain of rice sized glob of budder between medium grind cannabis in the full sized screwball bowl, ~.4g, and finished it off in a few long, slow pulls in a dry bubbler. Please note I set my PID to 450F and left the coil on the bowl the whole time; I also let the bowl heat soak for about 10s. For me this yielded a good extraction; dark and golden brown AVB.

From my limited experience, it seems like concentrates produce a result that fits right in the middle of a spectrum that ranges from extremes like high dosage edibles (existence in waves) to microdosing (cup of coffee).

Next up is thca isolate dusted half bowls.

How did this go @FrankScum210 ?
I've seen THCa isolate available near me and may try this too.


Well-Known Member

Presale Round 3 + Updates​

What's up y'all! Been a busy week for me, and it hasn't helped that family (and myself) have been sick at home too. :freak:

So I'll keep this short, and hop into the updates.

The Next Presale Is Live!​

Unfortunately the extra kits from last round are gone... But the next presale round is live! With an estimated shipping date from March 15th and the 29th.

You can use code 'FC10' to save 10% and support the next giveaway coming soon :rockon:

Naming Contest + Giveaway​

Once I'm caught up on work, I'll start writing the rules for a naming contest + giveaway.

What will you be naming?

Our new mascot is still nameless! (for now :science:)

Spare Parts & New Accessories​

I'm working on getting spare bowls, screens, stands, etc listed on the site for sale. I'm also compiling a list of new accessories to be made by our manufacturer.

If you have any requests for certain accessories please let me know! :rockon:

Induction Ball Vape Design​

Awhile ago I had an idea for a housing that had 3mm drilled holes that the balls would go into... I was able to dig up this image from March 2022 :science:


I highly doubt this will ever happen... but it was fun to experiment with the concept :freak:

Next Update​

Next update will focus on the new accessories and product ideas that are in the works... stay tuned! :tup:

If you have any questions please send an email to

Talk soon,
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