Interestingly, most of your posts don't show up for me. I can usually see them if I click the link you provide, but not otherwise. I suspect it is because they are posted from reddit which doesn't seem to host very well. In this post in the pets thread, for example, the only image that appears is the huge hamster. In the 2 posts that follow it, no images appear.test
Ya, thanks for the heads up. I too have seen intermittent issues w/ some Reddit media links posted on FC. It seems that the forum host software & media link option on FC doesn't always play well with Reddit content. I always recommend clicking on a link to see it when FC doesn't unfurl the content properly.Interestingly, most of your posts don't show up for me. I can usually see them if I click the link you provide, but not otherwise. I suspect it is because they are posted from reddit which doesn't seem to host very well. In this post in the pets thread, for example, the only image that appears is the huge hamster. In the 2 posts that follow it, no images appear.
The Official FC Pets & Animals thread
I was near a Petco, and went in to get items for my birds. I needed perch covers, and could not wait for Amazon, or Chewy to delver, as I cleaned all 3 cages today. Petsmart was out of them. Petco must be in $$ trouble... the prices were 30% higher than Petsmart! I got a dozen sanded