The Sandbox: Make test posts here

Chicken No Name

Dazed and confused



illegal smile
But what happened to posting pics directly on this site?? Am I crazy or wasn't I doing that a few weeks ago?
Testing 1

The mods are working on something apparently and have temporarily suspended attaching images. It's not hard to use hosted images and doesn't require FC to give up storage space for them. We used it this way for years.
Testing 2

Cheers to all!


Spirit of the Dark Horse
@Southeastern check out the I saw the moon thread in the Vapor Lounge, I post a lot of stuff like the Jupiter image above. As a matter of fact, I will upload the highest resolution images I can to the new image host I'm using since the images that get posted here are auto reduced by the hosting site, but click on them and it takes you there where you can click again for full rez and download if you choose. @cybrguy has many a wallpaper now from those past postings in that thread.

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