The "who's on first" meme is great comedy in the art of great performers.
Circular reasoning and mistakes of mischievous minds, memories and meanings bring confusion and comedy.
This I am told.
I am only the brain/heart/memory/firmware of this temporal body.
I was not before birth.
I will end with the body.
Or I will go on without this body.
I have been told this and many things else.
I only know ABCDE, because others said so.
How can I know the truth of A or B when memories of even this body/life are lacking.
I know I am and I know I have never known otherwise.
"I" absence can not be cognized by this 'I" presence.
Although dreamless deep sleep is known to us all; and to all no memories are set, we never assume our existence was gone, nada, not there, nothing, no one.
I am however, the only "ONE" with direct non-negateable knowledge of "I".
We are all seemingly the Subject center of our 'known to us' universe.
All else and other is Object of our knowledge.
We seem to live in the intersecting sets of Self and not-self.
The "who's on first" meme also points to the deepest impulse of the religious sentiment in human kind.
Who is this "I", now up to bat, and what is this playing field, and what are the rules, and 'who is on first?', because we have the innate need, the instinct to want to "know".
The inside center of every person, named "I", is self-evident, known to that one without possibility of negation. This known "I" is existent, conscious, and of a third nature that is too terrible to contemplate at this time.
The comic joke is that the "person" has been building a wrapper of desires from time immemorial, and of memories stored only in the givenature (sic) of the body. The cosmic punchline comes in piercing the perceived limitations of personhood as center of his/er known universe.
The laugh track is the sound track to the 'too terrible to contemplate' truth of unlimited conscious being.
The answer to the mystery of life as people ask is, "It was all a joke on you."
We laugh when we get it.
And then you win the Oscar for the greatest impersonation of a limited human being by a Devata.
As "I", the "who is on first" question can only be answered, "I am".
When that "I" makes like a tree and gets out of here, left behind is the empty costume of a role.
The actor is on to other things, so to speak, off to other bases.
If the actor is the limitlessness, often called God, there can not be any off side playing.
What is outside of the boundless, limitless, endless, infinite?
Who's on first? The limitless is.
When there is no 'there' there anywhere outside of, before, after or within the all-in-all (like a mobius strip), then all our beliefs that "I" am in time and space rather than the reverse, are baseless.