The Religion Thread


Dharma Initiate
I am spiritual in the sense I believe there is a higher power/the force/something that influences things but I don't practice any religion and find organized religion to be a crock but I know lot of people who get a lot of joy from that so by all means whatever makes them happy but not my bag.

I think a lot of the ideas of religion are good things to practice but the core of it is just being inherently good person and I don't need church to give me advice on how to be a good person


Singer of songs and a vapor connoisseur
Early on folks needed something to believe in. Life is hard and it is easier if they have a religion that can help them. It also answered questions for them. Prayer gives folks an outlet where they feel closer to their god.

It helps them to deal with whatever comes along in their every day lives. Folks need to do what makes them feel empowered religion does that. Going to church allows them to socialize with those that believe like they do.

I may not believe in what they believe in and do but they have the right to persue any religion they please unless it's harming someone.
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Enter the Dragon
I am spiritual in the sense I believe there is a higher power/the force/something that influences things but I don't practice any religion and find organized religion to be a crock but I know lot of people who get a lot of joy from that so by all means whatever makes them happy but not my bag.

I think a lot of the ideas of religion are good things to practice but the core of it is just being inherently good person and I don't need church to give me advice on how to be a good person

Spot on with my line of thinking. At my lowest I had to have faith in there being a higher power. I don't know nor care what it is, all I need to know is there is a greater force out there more powerful than I am. I live by the principal of try & be a good person.

I may not believe in what they believe in and do but they have the right to persue any religion they please unless it's harming someone.

I agree. Live how you want to live & worship what you want to worship. Just allow everyone the same courtesy & good things will happen.

Growing up & once again living next to a church I see how the congregation has declined over the years & feel good about the future. I still see the church leaders some Sunday mornings but they have aged 30 years & have no young congregation members coming through so will soon be all over red rover.

Any religious affiliated institution should be taxed at the corporate rate & receive zero government funding. If you cannot be self sustaining through your own initiatives why should government money prop you up? This is especially relevant for places of education where young minds are shaped. Not that I am saying they should be penalised, rather they receive the same treatment as any other corporation.


Singer of songs and a vapor connoisseur
I think one of the weirdest things I can remember back when I went to church as a child with my mom, was during adult church services sometimes (not very often) the members would start to "speak in tongues". This wasn't a Pentecostal church. It was crazy sounding gibberish that made no sense. It was like they were in a trance. It was scarey too for a 9 or 10 year old child watching this. Later as I got older, I figured these people were making this stuff up. One of the many things I couldn't wrap my head around.

Also once a month or so folks would come to the alter at church and ask forgiveness for their sins and usually would be crying kneeling down as a large group. The minister would be praying for them. Putting his hand on their heads. This was Baptist/Protestant religion called the Four Square Church. I always thought what a spectacle at least the Catholics did this in private and they can drink alcohol and swear.

Thank you @RUDE BOY . I guess the 4 Square church is part Pentecostal. I'm glad I know that, no wonder all the weird stuff.
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well-worn member
Speaking of speaking in tongues, I highly recommend the film "midnight special" (2015) :tup:


The story revolves around Roy Tomlin and his biological son, Alton Meyer, escaping from both the government and a cult, after discovering that Alton has special powers.



Lo and Behold! The transformative power of Vapor.
Wow. Heady place. man. :whoa:

Is that still a thing?
This was.
Jedi census phenomenon
Many religions felt they were represented in some abstract sense by the Jedi's. That almost qualifies it,
Don't let me go on about Joseph Campbell. and the Power of Myth. :myday:

Lost Books of the Bible
Forgotten Books of Eden
Gospel of Judas :o
Cool. Also trying to sort out the Historicity of Jesus. Early Gnositcs. Bible Translations.

What am I? I might be Ignostic? or a weak agnostic. Jedi? Neophyte? Feel like I need to absorb more. A lot of you have delved deeper and have read more and can some shed light in other corners. That is why I'm here.

Cartoons about Philosophy? That's more about my speed, ATM. :haw:
I try to avoid the trap of condensing the history of beliefs of an entire religion solely as good/bad. Much less all of them with a wide brush. They all went through transitions. And were run by people. Ideas developed. Definitions and functions of religions changed over time.

Any religious affiliated institution should be taxed at the corporate rate & receive zero government funding. If you cannot be self sustaining through your own initiatives why should government money prop you up? This is especially relevant for places of education where young minds are shaped. Not that I am saying they should be penalised, rather they receive the same treatment as any other corporation.
I think religious institutions benefit the most from a free society. But the thought of them giving money might be interpreted as influence. Or at least I've heard that argument. :shrug:

Then you have the fringe TV evangelists who run their religion based on buying the Minister a jet airplane. Talk about worshiping a golden calf!

Spot on with my line of thinking. At my lowest I had to have faith in there being a higher power. I don't know nor care what it is, all I need to know is there is a greater force out there more powerful than I am. I live by the principal of try & be a good person.
What more can you ask from an individual who is trying to make sense of things? A lot more people seem to describe themselves are more spiritual. And less religious in some polls. This has had an impact. Many institutionalized religions have become more open and receptive and less authoritative. Like say the latest Pope.

Is It Better to Be Polite or Frank?
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Vape Wizard
Accessory Maker
What am I? I might be Ignostic? or a weak agnostic. Jedi? Neophyte? Feel like I need to absorb more. A lot of you have delved deeper and have read more and can some shed light in other corners. That is why I'm here.
That you have to ask?

I dub thee Vape Jedi... Master of the Forces of Mod!


Lo and Behold! The transformative power of Vapor.
That you have to ask?

I dub thee Vape Jedi... Master of the Forces of Mod!
This is a high honor coming from @DDave. I will use my mods for the forces of good. I have my mission.

It has become official. This also happened earlier today.
Out of nowhere, I just got awarded 5,000 likes. :bowdown:and.... that's 5,000 likes right back at you. :clap: My fellow FCer's
Lo and Behold! The transformative power of Vapor.
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Singer of songs and a vapor connoisseur
Trump Blasted By Top Democrat For Imposing A Religious Test On Fleeing Refugees - PoliticusUSA
PoliticusUSA › 2017/01/27 › trump-blast...
By Jason Easley on Fri, Jan 27th, 2017 at 8:21 pm. The top Democrat on the ... Donald Trump's executive order today establishes a religious test for those coming from certain Muslim countries. Period. — Adam Schiff ...

Ban on Muslims for three months from 7 countries. On the news it says 12 people have gotten picked up at airports so far and detained. All of these people have been vetted for 2 years. That means an Iraqi America soldier can be sent back to Iraq if he or she hasn't gotten their citizenship. The president has a lot of power. He's following through on his promises it looks like.

In 1939 and 1940 Jewish citizens were turned away and not allowed to enter the U.S. Many of those refugees were murdered by the Nazis.

Americans need to be outraged!! Interesting that Pakistan and Saudi Arabia isn't on the list. The 911 murderers that killed around 3,000 people were from Saudi Arabia. We must do business with those counties on a larger level. Maybe there are some hotels there too.

@grokit Muslims though are singled out. I agree I don't want terrorist killing folks either here or anywhere else. This president goes about business in a reckless manor it seems like. Not a good quality.
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well-worn member
Bush/Obama had a list too, created shortly after 9/11 and just ended last month.

The National Security Entry-Exit Registration System (NSEERS) or INS Special Registration was a system for registering certain non-citizens within the United States, initiated in September 2002 as part of the War on Terrorism. Portions were suspended as of April 27, 2011. On December 22, 2016 the Obama administration announced that it will dismantle the NSEERS regulatory framework, which essentially cancels the program.

This means that the Obama administration essentially forced the Trump administration's hand.

Here's the original list, where certain non-citizens who were in the United States prior to September 10, 2002, were required to register in person at an INS office. This procedure was required of males over the age of sixteen who entered the United States legally on particular types of visa (primarily student, work, and tourist) from certain countries. Countries were named on four occasions:
  • Group 1: Iran, Iraq, Libya, Sudan or Syria
  • Group 2: Afghanistan, Algeria, Bahrain, Eritrea, Lebanon, Morocco, North Korea, Oman, Qatar, Somalia, Tunisia, the United Arab Emirates, Yemen
  • Group 3: Pakistan, Saudi Arabia
  • Group 4: Bangladesh, Egypt, Indonesia, Jordan, Kuwait



Well-Known Member
Its a pointless exercise, telling potential killers that they can't come here, it will be just as effective as telling drug smugglers they can't move industrial size loads into the US. However such proclamations keeps people engaged in the narrative as other interesting things happen in the background. Wouldn't it be better to review everyone using the same standards without set asides or restrictions based on religion.


Singer of songs and a vapor connoisseur
Gotta love Canada and Trudeau.

Trudeau says Canada will take refugees banned by U.S. | PBS NewsHour
PBS › newshour › rundown › trudeau-ca...
8 hours ago - Trudeau reacted to Trump's ban of Muslims from certain countries by tweeting Saturday: “To those fleeing persecution, terror & war, Canadians will welcome you, regardless of your faith.

170 people detained at Airports. It looks like a federal judge just intervened. ACLU brought a suit against the ruling that Trump had put into place against Muslims.

Edit again

A Federal Judge Just Issued a Stay Against Donald Trump's "Muslim Ban" | Mother Jones
Mother Jones › politics › 2017/01 › musl...
7 hours ago - The stay, granted by Judge Ann M. Donnelly of the US District Court, is temporary, and a court will have to decide whether to make it permanent at a later date. But for now, people will not be deported because of Trump's executive order. ... A Federal Judge Just Halted Parts Of Trump's "Muslim Ban." Read The Full Order.
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Lo and Behold! The transformative power of Vapor.
Its a pointless exercise, telling potential killers that they can't come here, it will be just as effective as telling drug smugglers they can't move industrial size loads into the US. However such proclamations keeps people engaged in the narrative as other interesting things happen in the background. Wouldn't it be better to review everyone using the same standards without set asides or restrictions based on religion.
Reminds me of this ......
Welcome To The United States
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Singer of songs and a vapor connoisseur
It looks like nobody has been killed by terrosist from any of the Muslim countries listed that Trump wants to ban. Saudia Arabia, United Arab Emirates and Egypt have killed many more Americans due to terrorism and they weren't included. Trump I assume has hotels in those countries.

What Trump has done is unconstitutional. Day after day it's one thing after another. When are the smart Republicans going to step in?

Sorry if I'm not being nice but this is so unacceptable in our society in American. It's against what we are all about. This is such B.S Journalists are NOT going to shut up!

@CuckFumbustion i hope the dark times don't last too long. I want to see some light at the end of the tunnel. Waiting four years is too long.
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Lo and Behold! The transformative power of Vapor.
This means that the Obama administration essentially forced the Trump administration's hand.
It looks like nobody has been killed by terrosist from any of the Muslim countries listed that Trump wants to ban. Saudia Arabia, United Arab Emirates and Egypt have killed many more Americans due to terrorism and they weren't included. Trump I assume has hotels in those countries.
I read about both points in the news, :nod: and remembered the same argument about the non terrorist countries being affected by any sort of ban or restriction. This was around 9/11. Thought we already figured this out already. :ugh: Sigh...

So am I to believe that truthiness a religion? Is is being tested by rationale? Here is a possible longview. :sherlock:
Why Hegel knew there would be days like these


Well-Known Member
It looks like nobody has been killed by terrosist from any of the Muslim countries listed that Trump wants to ban. Saudia Arabia, United Arab Emirates and Egypt have killed many more Americans due to terrorism and they weren't included. Trump I assume has hotels in those countries.

What Trump has done is unconstitutional. Day after day it's one thing after another. When are the smart Republicans going to step in?

Sorry if I'm not being nice but this is so unacceptable in our society in American. It's against what we are all about. This is such B.S Journalists are NOT going to shut up!

Good morning CarolKing. If the people decide that Trump has to go it will take the support of many republican citizens to reach the critical mass needed to make it happen via the system and to minimize additional damage to the nation as it occurs. Sadly the extreme political and social polarization that has occurred over time works to preclude such unity and opportunities.


Enter the Dragon
It looks like nobody has been killed by terrosist from any of the Muslim countries listed that Trump wants to ban. Saudia Arabia, United Arab Emirates and Egypt have killed many more Americans due to terrorism and they weren't included. Trump I assume has hotels in those countries.

Call me crazy but it would be a start to place immigration restrictions on countries governments that have been proven to have either
  • directly or indirectly funded/assisted Islamic extremism
  • were culpable or complicit in any terrorist act
  • provided significant recruits to terror organizations
  • all the above
like the countries you listed Pakistan & Indonesia are active hotbeds yet they don't make the list. Dodgy as all hell.

What Trump has done is unconstitutional. Day after day it's one thing after another. When are the smart Republicans going to step in?

It is a little scary when hardcore Republicans like McCain are flipping out more & more with each loony tunes move Trump makes.

On the flipside it is good to see people actively resisting the Trump administration. Take heart from the people expressing their right to protest. Having always been a guy who believes in "giving a fair go" Trump has proven he is no longer worthy of that consideration. HRC would have been just as bad but he is worse than I imagined.

Pence is terrifying with quotes like this

No one should be harassed or mistreated because of who they are, who they love, or what they believe.

When Donald Trump becomes president of the United States of America, the change will be... huge.l

I suppose he only lied about one of those :(.

America needs less Bible based bullshit & more common fucking sense. I feel like this administration is a celebration of the worst examples of ignorance on a biblical scale.


Lo and Behold! The transformative power of Vapor.
@CuckFumbustion i hope the dark times don't last too long. I want to see some light at the end of the tunnel. Waiting four years is too long.
So you did watch the video on Hegal? I'm not sure if he will be around in 4 months. We can only allow for so many 'teachable moments' to occur with the sitting president.

I figured he would decree by Executive order and rely on throwback principles that have long proven to be ineffective 20 years ago. Forget the facts.
America needs less Bible based bullshit & more common fucking sense. I feel like this administration is a celebration of the worst examples of ignorance on a biblical scale.
I see it is more of a battle between Truthiness and facts. Rationale VS what one feels to be true.
Trump wants the press to act like his personal politburo and ignore what is actually being done and said on the ground. Don't get me started with "alternative facts" being part of this narrative and how it feeds the false narratives for those already in the dark. (:rant:,:tinfoil:,:cuss: )

truth·i·ness /ˈtro͞oTHēnis/ noun informal
  1. the quality of seeming or being felt to be true, even if not necessarily true.
'Post-Truth' Is Just A Rip-Off Of 'Truthiness'
Doctor Who "Alternative Facts" Predicted 1977!
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