Discontinued The RBT Milaana (unregulated single 18650)

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Well-Blown member
How about, "Milaana: Your on demand vapor dispenser." Since it has a steam punk look, it reminds me of something from the Bioshock or Deus Ex games.


Well-Known Member
Damn vas and 10% off could not resist. So far so good order was placed Sunday shipped on Wednesday. Not bad hoping to have it by the weekend.

Decided this over a titanium grasshopper. Since have a SS already seemed a better use of funds.

So other than batteries and charger any other must haves? Been reading up kinda already regretted not ordering the colored stems.

Here is mine
Milaana: My Medication Machine
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Putin is a War Criminal
Milaana: Cut the cord
I like this one. It kinda says it has corded vape power without the cord.
So other than batteries and charger any other must haves? Been reading up kinda already regretted not ordering the colored stems.

If you want to use it with water you need an US jointed Male to Male adapter. OGB is a good source for that.


Well-Known Member
Thinking about picking up another pair of batteries for my Mi. Is consensus at the moment that the brown LGs are the best? The HG2s? I have some of the yellow LGs that I'd intended for the Zion, and they work fine, but the green Samsung, I think it is, that the Mi came with does seem to work better.
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Mine is one of the early ones that didn't seem to have much glue at all.

The early ones actually seem to have the most?

...for some reason I'm reluctant

Probably because you were talking to me in PM when I went through that clusterfuck. Sounds like things have changed though, me experience was likely the way it was because I was first in line.

Is consensus at the moment that the brown LGs are the best?

Probably depends on your idea of "best". If you feel like your mi is a little on the cooler side I highly reccomend them, they feel like hot HE4's on the second stem. Hotter and faster on the first. Haven't tried the green Samsung's but the HG2's are head and shoulders over the HE4's and vtc4's I've tried.


Well-Known Member
Thanks. I'll grab a pair to try out then. I have no problem with the HE4s I got for the Zion, but once I tried the green Samsung it made me want a bit more out of them. I think my unit is sufficiently hot, but I like it that way and delaying the sag some would be nice. Hotter first bowl means less trigger time and I think that's what makes the second load nicer with the Samsung.

Anyone else find that there button has an almost pressure sensitive quality? I swear if I don't squeeze enough I get a slower rise in heat, where if I make sure to squeeze well it hits my throat noticeably quicker.


Well-Known Member
Thinking about picking up another pair of batteries for my Mi. Is consensus at the moment that the brown LGs are the best? The HG2s? I have some of the yellow LGs that I'd intended for the Zion, and they work fine, but the green Samsung, I think it is, that the Mi came with does seem to work better.

Have tried LGHB4's, LGHG2', Samsung 25R's and Sony VTC5's and found that the VTC5's are the most consistent over 4-5 stems


Well-Known Member
Have tried LGHB4's, LGHG2', Samsung 25R's and Sony VTC5's and found that the VTC5's are the most consistent over 4-5 stems

Looking at the VTC5s, maybe that is what came with my Mi. It's green and has three connectors on the positive end. Anyone know if he sends out these with some orders, or if it's more likely a green Samsung?


Well-Known Member
Looking at the VTC5s, maybe that is what came with my Mi. It's green and has three connectors on the positive end. Anyone know if he sends out these with some orders, or if it's more likely a green Samsung?

Mine was a green Samsung 25r.

I have HE4's, blue and green 25r's, one VTC4, and this past week I just got 2 HG2's.

Until I got the HG2's the green 25r and HE4's were my favorites. The 25r seemed a little hotter than the HE4 but not by much.

The HG2 is the clear favorite now. It is definitely hotter than any of the other cells I have. Preheat time from cold on the 25r/HE4 was 10-12 seconds to get where I like it. The HG2's take right around 8 seconds.


Calm Consistency
Been microdosing with the Milaana recently since I got back from my trip. .02-.025 I would imagine, JUST enough to cover the bottom screen in the basket. There's still tons of room for herb inside the basket, so I imagine it can't be more than a .03. I literally looks like crumbs when I dump it in my hand.
I get quite a few nice hits out of it, flavor is awesome, airflow is huge, effects are still very strong. I can't believe I can vape less than .2 a DAY through a portable, and still feel great throughout the day.

Did, I believe, four stems yesterday. Two short microdose stems, and two medium size bowls in the long stem. The long stem is without a doubt one of my favorite ways to vape. The vapor is SO cool on the first rips to where you feel like you almost aren't getting anything, but still exhaling a great cloud. I never stirred a single time the entire day. After these four bowls (an entire days worth for me), the battery showed 3.95. Amazing, not even halfway dead, or just about. Two and a half months with this thing and I'm still in awe. It really isn't fair. Five batteries, and I only need one to two.

the green 25r and HE4's were my favorites. The 25r seemed a little hotter than the HE4 but not by much.
I find this to be true too. Still haven't messed with the HG2's, but I see no need to. The 25r that RBT provided me on my second Milaana has been my favorite since I first tried it, and reinforced my favoritism when I tested it and it proved to run longer and hotter than the HE4s. Nothing wrong with the HE4s, I have four of them, but I always have my 25r ready at all times.

Mina doesn't even require a preheat. Milah would be preheated anywhere from 3-6 seconds, but Mina I just press and rip. It's so fun. I do miss the gradual temperature increase with Milah sometimes, but the positives of Mina much outweigh that Mila personality.

Through the sunset and over the hills of Zion, a perfect younger brother was born.


Well-Known Member
a couple of extra screens, and a couple of extra stems, stashed away, because it's only a matter of time until your physiotherapist hands you your vape and the glass stem hits the ground with that noise only borosilicate glass can make. Don't ask me how I know this ;)

Physiotherapist man I had to look that up. Shouldn't use large words around a stoner. I can't wait till the day any therapist can hand me a vaporizer as part of my healing :)

Anyways having a hard time searching isn't there a battery thread somewhere I can catch up on about care etc of batteries? Bought a pair of for the milaana I expect to get soon. Hopefully there the right ones.
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Full Steam Ahead
I agree, the performance is sick. Even as a pretty heavy user, at about 1.5g daily, I rarely go over a g now, sometimes less. I rarely stir, unless I feel like it, or in the case of the occasional stem that goes astray (packed wrong, bad technique, etc).

I have 2 "cooler" units, but that really is a misnomer, as all 4 Vapes are beyond any of the previous 20 Vapes I've tried. I'm spoiled now, just own a couple of Vapes for sharing. The Milaana has reinvented vaping.

I'm am digging Ed's wood stem, nice and cool. I am also in the process of ordering something from @Alan !!!!!!!!

Love this vape.

In the middle of my first session with one drop of VG juice after to a visit to a local vape shop. Draw resistance increases, but cooler and very tasty with huge clouds. Just a single drop, no more.
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Well-Known Member
Well, shit. Female glass broken already. Filed a warranty request. Bummed I'm going to be without it for a while now. I was just getting comfortable with it.
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