Shit Snacks
Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
Thanks for the help @ZC @WakeAndVape & @AJS
I only had 3 sessions and have been getting better results. Though I'm using a wooden stem from ed that fits both sizes of ddaves eq basket screens. This puts the herb closer to the heater. The abv was the right kind of dark and it was a tasty ride to get it there!
I really like this vape so far it is growing on me more and more!
I plan to get a set of 2 more batteries and the recommended 4 port digital charger.
When the zion arrives I have 4 more batteries so I don't think I need more than seven total... I hope..
@lazylathe Outstanding job that looks perfect!! I can't wait to see more of this custom milaana art!!
The return of @RastaBuddhaTao was like Gandalf in the shire a visit from an old familiar friend!

Remember though, Zion batteries are just for Zion, paired set, Milaana uses singles, I have five Mi batts and like 5 Zion pairs now I think...
Also be careful with the EQ screens too, if its not a planetvape stem, could be risky as discussed here. But I'd love to see a shot of that Kingswood stem buddy. Also lot of great tips here but best to get most is practice

@lazylathe incredible, such a beautiful blue Milaana, gorgeous man, if I could do that I'd definitely feel better getting rid of my blue GH

If this was my first vape after first trying the Thermovape T1 to start (maybe even after Solo), when I was a total newbie to it all, I honestly probably wouldn't have bought all the crazy amount I have now. I think this vape can absolutely be recommended to inexperienced novices, if fucking combustion is the goal then it is one of the best options around imo for a personal portable vape