Discontinued The RBT Milaana (unregulated single 18650)

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Putin is a War Criminal
Would you guys trust to buy your 18650's from ebay? I'm seeing two HG2's for $13.74 free shiping or four for $23.50 free shipping. Are there better places to buy batteries?
I wouldn't. I just ordered 2 HG2s from IMR for under $17 delivered. I would rather pay $3 more for the pair and not have any concern about the batteries, but maybe that is just me.


The other vendor I like is http://www.illumn.com/


Putin is a War Criminal
And, btw, after confirmation I just wanted to say that RBT is still using the medical grade Loctite® epoxy listed on his website that I posted about earlier in this thread. While he may have suggested something more easily available to a user, he has not changed the glue he is sparingly using in his devices.


Added: As a general policy I would advise folks to use the warranty form for repair issues rather than doing it yourself. That is what the warranty is for, after all. I'm sure RBT would prefer that too, as he wants everyone's units working as he intended. I believe he is also recessing the glass on those he gets back if they are early models, but he will certainly be using the right adhesive.

I've gotten the impression that return times on Milaana's haven't been bad...
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Well-Known Member
I wonder if the female 18 can be deleted altogether. If you can drill the wood out to where it has a slight taper similar to the 18Male joint, you could just mate the 18M stem directly into the wood. You would have to figure out the intake though. Maybe variants can be made in the future. Looking forward to exotic wood stems and Milaanas...


Well-Known Member
After the mess with the three returned Zions, I don't blame anyone for being hesitant to go the warranty route with RBT. Part of why I'm on the fence about picking up one of the discounted Milaanas for the Zion pre-orders. I'd rather deal with somewhere like Planetvape if something went wrong.


Well-Known Member
As a general policy I would advise folks to use the warranty form for repair issues rather than doing it yourself. That is what the warranty is for, after all. I'm sure RBT would prefer that too, as he wants everyone's units working as he intended. I believe he is also recessing the glass on those he gets back if they are early models, but he will certainly be using the right adhesive.

I've gotten the impression that return times on Milaana's haven't been bad...

I still plan on taking this option once I hear from them regarding a couple of details I need to ship it international.
Although If you look at my pic on the previous page you can see a line of particles of a herbal nature in the edge between screens and glass - these will not come out even with access to both ends of the glass- does anybody have any thoughts about having to send this internationally?



Toolbag v1.1 (candidate)
Staff member
I still plan on taking this option once I hear from them regarding a couple of details I need to ship it international.
Although If you look at my pic on the previous page you can see a line of particles of a herbal nature in the edge between screens and glass - these will not come out even with access to both ends of the glass- does anybody have any thoughts about having to send this internationally?


I don't know how many dirty vapourizers have crossed the US/Canada border without incident, but I'm pretty sure the number is well into the thousands. Arizer is a Canadian company and receives used Solo/Extreme/Air units for service all the time. Same with the Herbalaire, the Inhalater, the FlashVAPE, and a few other Canadian manufacturers. Lots of Canadians have sent their used units back to the US for service as well. I've never heard of an incident or seizure, and I don't expect to. Even if your shipment is intercepted, confiscation is the worst outcome you can expect. They aren't about to expend the resources need to track you down and prosecute you.
And, btw, after confirmation I just wanted to say that RBT is still using the medical grade Loctite® epoxy listed on his website that I posted about earlier in this thread. While he may have suggested something more easily available to a user, he has not changed the glue he is sparingly using in his devices.


Added: As a general policy I would advise folks to use the warranty form for repair issues rather than doing it yourself. That is what the warranty is for, after all. I'm sure RBT would prefer that too, as he wants everyone's units working as he intended. I believe he is also recessing the glass on those he gets back if they are early models, but he will certainly be using the right adhesive.

Not sure why he would explicitly tell me Devcon, Loctites actually a far more prevalent/available brand (atleast locally?). I also told him id use whatever he suggested and was OK with ordering something online.. My bet is he or one of the manufacturers has been or is using 2 or more types explaining the clear/white differences at different times. :2c:

You have repaired your glass yourself I believe, was the mica piece held in a specific place in the heater? Mine is loose so I can't see if it is in the correct place when putting the glass back so I have been reluctant to try myself but it would be better than having to send back!

Yes sir, the mica is kinda loose. Its sandwiched between the mesh heater but can kinda move over if bumped. Once its assembled its of no concern however since its a snug fit in the glass tube.

The internals are old news anyways at this point, so heres a pic that shows it pretty well. Be really careful when you remove the glass since it pulling too hard when met with a little resistance can likely tear things up a bit.

You may want to touch base with RBT before going through with it just to be sure you dont void your warranty, he may have some new tips as well. Good luck dude.


Indie vaper
It's kind of funny to me how some are worried about the durability, that's how I am with my Hoppers, whereas I consider the Milaana to be a fucking tank. Different strokes aye? ;)

Not comparing it to any other unit - How is the Milaana a tank when if you drop it on it's head it could crack the female glass and the game would be over ?- at least temporarily. If I drop it some other way the glued on bottom could crack off. I agree that if it was secured with screws and no glass parts exposed - it would be a fucking tank. Which is why it's a shame that it isn't that way to begin with...

Whilst screws and/or some type of collar would be good and likely improve durability and eliminate glue for those that have concerms about this, i feel confident in using this vape as far as reliability is concerned (as opposed to durability).

By that i mean i do not fear that this unit will all of a sudden stop working due to some known or unknown failure. I was never confident taking ONLY my indica vape out for the night as so many would stop heating all of a sudden. As it turns out it did fail while i was out one night.(but i had my summit just in case, thankfully). But i don't want to have to take a spare every time.

Reading the crafty and GH threads makes me feel the same way. I wouldn't feel confident with only that vape.

With the milaana, i feel confident it will work every time. If i drop it and it breaks, well that is on me, so i am careful, but also why i won't take this vape skiing or places it may get knocked hard. I also feel that if i do drop it and glass breaks or the bottom pops off, or the female joint unglues, I could still macguyver something and use it to get me through the rest of my outing. Alot of people who report issues seem to note it still works.

mod note: Edited to fix broken quote
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Full Steam Ahead
I emailed Ryan, all 3 Mi will eventually be going for ride.

Pebbles will be overhauled even with warranty voided (DOA)
BamBam will get a new female glass under warranty (still works great)
Pandora glass female doesn't fit all of my stems under warranty (still works great)

I will send in one at a time, until it comes back repaired, until all 3 are 100%.

RBT CS is doing the right thing 100%

Off to PO tomorrow


Well-Known Member
Just got my Milaana package today!

Kind of funny.....but the first thing I did was put together a new modded stem for my Apollo using the 19mm glass stems. The new mod uses two RBT 19mm stems (short & long) to have 19mm joints on both sides of the short Apollo tube and is probably around 10" long :science:

Anyways, have to go run an errand now....... but will be back to start playing with the new toy later on this evening.

Will post my impressions later on......maybe after a week or two of use so that I have my technique down and can make a fair comparison to some of my other vapes.

Edit: Ok......I changed my mind and now for some initial feedback

I just finished my first 0.1 fine grind, tamped, basket style screen with the bowl of the basket set about 10mm back from the end of the 19mm joint.

Tried it first as direct draw with the long mouthpiece and at first got some very light but very flavourful vapour but more as a result of not wanting to heatsoak for longer - probably 3 sec preheat.

I found that it performed best (at least from 1 bowl deep worth of "first impressions") after about a 6-count before I started to draw and then I had to feather it.

It was kind of hard to see vapour forming during direct draw or to know when to let go on the button and ride the still climbing temperature of the glass/mica/ss mass of heat-soaked heater before having to press again.

Sometimes it didn't seem like you saw much vapour travelling through the tube but when you feel the heat get a little too hot and then stop and exhale there is a huge cloud

I stirred a couple times through the first bowl but then I got a little too much vapour on one draw which caused a brief moment of coughing.

But I tried to pay attention to the heat of the vapour and let that guide me and that seemed to help ......I'm sure with practice that I'll get the hang of it

Then I tried it in my water tool. I switched to another stem for the same 0.1 load after first trying direct draw as I wasn't using the SonG modded stem for direct draw testing. Glass is much nicer on the mouth than silicone tubing.

It was easy to dump and then use the new stem mouthpiece and vacuum up the 0.1g half vaped herb.

I am using the FC1000 alongside a large tube ash-catcher with two percs inside - a honeycomb and a turbine. This will also let me spot any combustion as it start to fill the ashcatcher portion and stop pulling before it contaminates the main FC1000 piece.

I did this on a couple occasions with the same arrangement with my Stereo Matrix DHClone which is a slightly smaller volume for the main water tool portion of that setup and it is completely possible to avoid any combustion smoke if you are paying attention and stop your draw in time.

It was easy to see the vapour formation through the water tool and let off on the button at the right times. I stirred a couple times through the first bowl and after not getting as much vapour after holding the button down for a good 7 count while drawing (after the Milaana was heat soaked - at the end of the "session") I thought that I better stop and not take a chance that I will see smoke. I learned that this was a good decision when I stopped to check the ABV.

Some very dark spots - but not as homogeneous as some of my other vapes (can't beat the Supreme V3 for consistency in ABV - whatever colour you bring it too) but I am pretty sure that I got everything.

I will save my ABV from the Milaana for a few days and then run it through the Supreme at 210C and see if there is anything useful left.

Actually, this is the only time that I will fill the Supreme tube to the top.....when vaping UD left-overs (if not using SS tips or at a lower voltage) or using lower temperature direct draw (long stem mod) Apollo session ABV ......otherwise the Supreme is only filled up about 1 cm of fine grind & lightly tamped herb.

I can see myself loving the setup speed and instant on factor - very much like a portable on-demand log. But kind of like a manual log that you have to pay a lot more attention to in order to get good results.

So far it seems very intuitive to play with draw speed and button time both through water and by way of direct draw. I think that the visual cues watching the vapour travel through the water pieces is what will let me tweak the performance the best ......while using a water tool.

But for direct draw I think that getting a feel for the heat and how that is lagged a bit through it's button time as you still pull from an even hotter heat source than that which produced the already hot vapour in your mouth that has cued you that it is time to let go of the button.

The tail end of the direct draw pull is where I think you have to be the most careful since crossing a certain heat threshold is going to result in a coughing fit

Anyways....have to be good on a "school night" :D .......so the main testing will probably take place this coming weekend :tup:

2nd Edit:

P.S. Oh yeah, forgot to mention it. The free 14mm glass never arrived ......but no big deal - it's very cheap through the sites that I found as result of my Milaana purchase.....and I never paid for it anyways. Sheila had said that she didn't think that Ryan had any more 14mm glass when I mentioned it in an email with her so I suspect that it might have met with an accident.

I posted two good sites for glass stems a while back, one of which was were mentioned by others previously (US site) as well as a Canadian site that I stumbled across....see prior post below

bounce5 said:
It will work great if you have the 19mm female glass piece replacement! Thanks for catching that GTAVaper .

Does anyone know if you can buy a 19mm female glass part anywhere? I thought I read someone had done that.

GTAVaper said:
If you are in the USA you can get female joints (that you will have to cut down carefully with a dremel) at:


.....which is based in North Carolina

I believe that the Chinese joints are the ones that are US sized (or very close to standard medium US sizing).....although if you wanted to order another joint you might be able to convert the glass to ISO.....but then you might also have to reposition the heater lower.....and I'm not sure if there is room to do that in the cutout. So it's probably better to stick with US (or close to US sizing).....and order some Chinese male end joints to match your new female.....they even have coloured Chinese stems - if you are so inclined.

If you are in Canada......most of the same glass stock is available at:


....which is based in London, Ontario.

But Ryan did throw in a whole bunch of extra screens (in addition to my order of 6 screens) which was a really nice bonus - I don't think that I will be needed to buy any RBT screens anytime soon at least......and they are pretty good quality screens that don't come cheap.

So it was nice to see an effort to send me a little bonus to ease the pain of my long wait for my Milaana.

My, Ms. "Oh-My-Mi!" .....or was it "Ms. "Mi-Oh-My!" ....I can't remember which one I had previously decided on......I think it was the first one? :hmm:

I'll have to search my own posts .....rather than struggle with that naming decision again ;)

P.P.S. ;)

I was just looking at my new 19mm double ended Apollo stem mod..... and just realized that with this mod I also have a long 18mm glass direct draw mouthpiece for the Milaana that I can also use as a GonG connection with a water piece :rockon:

That was a real "Duh" moment ......but I wouldn't have thought of that exact mod if approaching it from the other direction; i.e., if I were to be considering mods for the Milaana simply since it includes an Apollo part which I wouldn't think to combine for a Milaana mod.

But that 18mm inner diameter Apollo tube is the perfect place to connect two 19mm glass stems together......a piece of silicone tubing around the outside at the end of each Milaana stem makes it a very snug fit that you actually have to rotate into the Apollo tube - kind of like screwing it in.

You then get a very solid connection that pretty well makes it one piece in how you can handle it. So not only does this new mod work well with the Apollo - it is also a perfect extra long Milaana stem as well without changing a thing about it.....you even load from the same side.

This makes me happy :)

Other Apollo owners should try this one out if they also own a Milaana and have a few extra stems laying around. I will post pics in the Apollo thread later this week.

Good times! ..... All right, all right, all right! :tup:
Alright? :D
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BadDog No

Well-Known Member
Would you guys trust to buy your 18650's from ebay? I'm seeing two HG2's for $13.74 free shiping or four for $23.50 free shipping. Are there better places to buy batteries?
I'm kind of a chicken when it comes to batteries. I know that you can check the seller's record to get an idea of how reliable they are, and I've certainly bought more than my fair share of merchandise from Ebay, but I'd rather pay just a little more from Amazon Prime. OK I'm a member and get free shipping, but there is something reassuring about knowing Amazon trusts their supplier enough to make it a Prime offering....or maybe I've just fallen for their snake oil charm and am being delusional.
And of course they're almost out of stock, but I'm sure more are coming.
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When life gives you lemons, lemon tek
Has anyone came across a good 18m/18m adapter? One that fits the milaana and the screens fit? I've got two and neither really work well.
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Well-Known Member
@herbivore21 good to see you back. Hope all is well with you and yours. Without violating NDA, the heater is stainless steel with high surface area. I'm sure there is some wire to connect it on the cooler end of the air intake. The mica is used to keep the heater from shorting on itself, which would act to reduce the surface area. The mica used goes through a process to stabilize it for our purposes ( NDA in effect and I really don't know the exact process). There is also wood, glass, the stainless intake screen, and the glass stem with SS screen. I find this to be a very "clean" tasting vape to be sure. My screen solution for the Zion stems uses 2 basket screens (facing away from each other) with a Hercules Mouthpiece screen between. Then a piece of SS Hercules coil in the basket screen facing outward.
Great stuff bro! Thanks so much for the warm welcome, I am well indeed and I also hope that you are my friend, hope you've enjoyed many a great dab since we last spoke!

Hmm ok so it seems the glue is more on the cool air intake, and that excess glue is an inconsistent issue that may occur to different extents on different units, due to this being a hand-made item.

I do have to echo the posts suggesting that the glue could be taken out of the equation with the use of a washer/nut or similar for the intake screen. Still, my other question is this: Is the inner airpath wooden, or is there an SS inner path or something in there to stop earl from recondensing into wood and gunking it up?

I ask because my Vapman middle section (as well as my shorty Solo WonG a ways back) got absolutely vile with earl that absorbed into the wooden part of the airpath during use. For portable use, I need something that can be cleaned and will not comprise of wood soaked in cannabis resin from my copious bowls of full melt lol

I need to be able to reclaim everything. All I vape now is sweet, sweet full melt (my bubble tek has developed to the point that all I ever get from a given set of flowers now is full melt, from wash 1 all the way to the end :D). Yields for full melt as we know, even for those that can reliably make it every time are gonna max out around 10%. This means that every drop counts. Even the reclaim is better than a lot of whole nug solvent extracts I've seen lol

My only concern re: mica is because of high relative humidity environments. In my travels, I frequently find myself in places with 85%+ RH. Mica flakes and delaminates with very little encouragement when it gets into contact with too much moisture. It happened a bunch with my vapman which uses Mica in much the same way. This is not to say that Mica is dangerous to breathe in - IIRC it is not. This is probably only a concern where the Mica could deteriorate enough to cause a short as you describe - especially for someone using an ELB to pack the load into (ain't no mica getting through that SS mesh lol).

It seems that the GonG part is proprietary too, I had at first thought that these units had a female 18mm GonG joint on the vapor outlet to connect to rigs or mouthpieces? Am I right here? Or are there different GonG options? Is this GonG part replaceable?

Thanks so much bro, I know I asked a lot of questions lol


Just so Dab HAppy!
I hate to go on a tangent but AJS has a Milaana and has made it known in every thread. I know you like the Milaana but no. It cannot milk better than a log or desktop. That is absurd. Not trying to be rude but that is truly absurd. You would combust before you came close my friend. Watch my videos and can guarantee the Milaana cannot milk like them. Can it milk? Does it have power? Sure, but it cannot milk a glass peice on a desktop level.:2c::peace:

I wholeheartedly disagree. I can milk my bong with my Milaana almost as good as I can with my Supreme V3. Perhaps your technique needs more work or your product needs more dank or what have you but I can surely milk it good with my Milaana. I have a 19 inch beaker bong and I can pull vapor thick enough you wont see the red letters on the other side. I dont own a log, but heat is heat...its how you use the heat that matters and the Milaana has no problem providing optimal heat just like a desktop or log can produce. If your problem is you cant produce such vapor without combustion then you need to learn to feather the button better but consistent results of thick ass vapor are readily available with the Milaana.

Edit: I still very much respect your opinion slowdraw but I have my own and felt compelled to contradict what I don't necessarily agree with.
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Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
Great stuff bro! Thanks so much for the warm welcome, I am well indeed and I also hope that you are my friend, hope you've enjoyed many a great dab since we last spoke!

Hmm ok so it seems the glue is more on the cool air intake, and that excess glue is an inconsistent issue that may occur to different extents on different units, due to this being a hand-made item.

I do have to echo the posts suggesting that the glue could be taken out of the equation with the use of a washer/nut or similar for the intake screen. Still, my other question is this: Is the inner airpath wooden, or is there an SS inner path or something in there to stop earl from recondensing into wood and gunking it up?

I ask because my Vapman middle section (as well as my shorty Solo WonG a ways back) got absolutely vile with earl that absorbed into the wooden part of the airpath during use. For portable use, I need something that can be cleaned and will not comprise of wood soaked in cannabis resin from my copious bowls of full melt lol

I need to be able to reclaim everything. All I vape now is sweet, sweet full melt (my bubble tek has developed to the point that all I ever get from a given set of flowers now is full melt, from wash 1 all the way to the end :D). Yields for full melt as we know, even for those that can reliably make it every time are gonna max out around 10%. This means that every drop counts. Even the reclaim is better than a lot of whole nug solvent extracts I've seen lol

My only concern re: mica is because of high relative humidity environments. In my travels, I frequently find myself in places with 85%+ RH. Mica flakes and delaminates with very little encouragement when it gets into contact with too much moisture. It happened a bunch with my vapman which uses Mica in much the same way. This is not to say that Mica is dangerous to breathe in - IIRC it is not. This is probably only a concern where the Mica could deteriorate enough to cause a short as you describe - especially for someone using an ELB to pack the load into (ain't no mica getting through that SS mesh lol).

It seems that the GonG part is proprietary too, I had at first thought that these units had a female 18mm GonG joint on the vapor outlet to connect to rigs or mouthpieces? Am I right here? Or are there different GonG options? Is this GonG part replaceable?

Thanks so much bro, I know I asked a lot of questions lol

Being pure convection on demand, if you just let off the button and clear your hit no vapor will ever seap anywhere but the glass stem, easy to reclaim. Solo constant cooking conduction getting vapor everywhere was always a concern of mine too but this works more like a Firefly or Thermovape. Mica wise I was also concerned but talked down due to the screens and its tested use here. If you really want to use an elb it may be best to get the planetvape stems which have a shorter joint fit wise... just like if there is a glue issue, if the 18mm female glass breaks it should be sent in for repair, like most vapes still the best way
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Slow Draw McGraw

Well-Known Member
Company Rep
I wholeheartedly disagree. I can milk my bong with my Milaana almost as good as I can with my Supreme V3. Perhaps your technique needs more work or your product needs more dank or what have you but I can surely milk it good with my Milaana. I have a 19 inch beaker bong and I can pull vapor thick enough you wont see the red letters on the other side. I dont own a log, but heat is heat...its how you use the heat that matters and the Milaana has no problem providing optimal heat just like a desktop or log can produce. If your problem is you cant produce such vapor without combustion then you need to learn to feather the button better but consistent results of thick ass vapor are readily available with the Milaana.

Edit: I still very much respect your opinion slowdraw but I have my own and felt compelled to contradict what I don't necessarily agree with.
I was comparing the SV3 and Sticky Brick? Not the SV3 vs the Milaana?:shrug::hmm:
Show me.
Heat is not heat.
Didn't say it couldn't milk. Didn't say it didnt have power. Said it could not out milk a desktop.
My 'dank' is fine. Funny you mention that because your defending a opinion of somebody who vapes with seeds and stems in their material.
My 'technique' is fine. Thanks for your suggestions tho.

I stand by my opinion. Seeing is how I have logs and other desktops to compare it to and defend my opinion.

Edit: I'm not trying to put down the Milaana, I was merely saying it doesn't milk glass like a desktop.
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Putin is a War Criminal
Still, my other question is this: Is the inner airpath wooden, or is there an SS inner path or something in there to stop earl from recondensing into wood and gunking it up?
I think you are missing something. All of the action takes place in the stem. No heated air travels through the vape. Air intake leads to heater and then directly (through ss screen) into the stem where the now heated air meets the goods, heating them and releasing vapor. Vapor travels up the stem into your mouth and lungs. Buzz occurs...

The "bowl" is in the joint of the stem. The only time the air touches the wood the air is ambient temp, not heated or laden.

I just smelled the female joint and it is a little dank, but I have used it nearly every day since 4/20 so I am not surprised. I occasionally overfill my stem so there is probably some rubbing going on.


But I like it!
So a wee panic attack this evening. I last used Millie around lunchtime, then went out checking the trees for water and such. Anyways, couldn't find her anywhere... wandered around rechecking trail (we've been everywhere, man). I found it just at dusk, sitting on a stump by the garage door, right next to the electric fence I'm supposed to finish off one of these days... It's been rained on just a little, but had a fresh battery and stem all waiting to be rescued.

G'night Alice...


Calm Consistency
It's sorta upsetting that bringing the Milaana up in other threads acts as a trigger for people. I understand disliking the man who made it, but not the people using it ... I've seen it happen in multiple instances.
I have a feeling RBT's products will be bashed for quite a while despite their performance.
I have a habit of vouching for products I enjoy. I still bring up my long lost Nano as frequently as possible because it's still my favorite vape. Not necessarily in terms of performance, but the overall style of using it.
I think vape comparisons are important and I like to add my input where I see fit to give people as much to work with as possible, but I think I'm going to avoid bringing up the Milaana frequently, as we seem to be portrayed as "one of them."

Either way, Mina has been treating me wonderfully. I've been craving my vapman but haven't had a nice environment to sit down and enjoy that long sesh, (mostly from this unbearable heat), so the Milaana has been getting me in and out in two lung busters as quickly as possible.
I've pretty much only used Mina through water so I haven't felt much of a difference between the HE4 and Samsung. Still have yet to get my hands on the Browns though.
Will try to do a battery test tomorrow with the HE4s to compare to the Greens log that I posted earlier. At this point, I'm not looking for a battery to bring out heat, it's definitely there, just want the longest lasting one possible with the most gradual temp increase. The search is on!

2 months of daily use. Still blown away.


Just so Dab HAppy!
I was comparing the SV3 and Sticky Brick? Not the SV3 vs the Milaana?:shrug::hmm:
Show me.
Heat is not heat.
Didn't say it couldn't milk. Didn't say it didnt have power. Said it could not out milk a desktop.
My 'dank' is fine. Funny you mention that because your defending a opinion of somebody who vapes with seeds and stems in their material.
My 'technique' is fine. Thanks for your suggestions tho.

I stand by my opinion. Seeing is how I have logs and other desktops to compare it to and defend my opinion.

Edit: I'm not trying to put down the Milaana, I was merely saying it doesn't milk glass like a desktop.
I was not really defending anyone, but I was defending the Milaana based on my experiences with some pretty good luck of dank supply to test through the Milaana. I was however in no way meaning to take a shot at you as far as your technique or material goes. I am not gonna rag on anyone for what their working with...I am sure I have been there. I was only merely suggesting what I could see as being possible issues for someone to suggest they cant get full on milk from the Milaana vaporizer. I can and will show you a video. Prior to your edit your post only said "show me"...I instantly made a video as the Milaana needs no time to set up but photobucket doesnt seem to want to take my video right now. Its not a great video because its the end of my night and my lungs are beat from the long session I was finishing up so my hit could have been 3 times longer if in the middle of the day at the beginning of a session but my red shorts do completely dissappear so I believe it will be good enough to show milk. Hopefully tomorrow I can return with a video as pictures probably just wouldnt do justice and would be much harder to accomplish since my favorite set up requires two hands at minimum.


Well-Known Member
I don't think it's ridiculous to expect a modern portable to perform at the same level as a desktop. There are several out there now that do it...grasshopper, mighty/crafty, apollo, cf/cfx. You can find examples of these white walling pieces all over YouTube.

Personally I have used an e-nano as my daily driver for a little over 3 years. The Milaana I received can white wall my FC-1000 every bit as well as the nano. It has to be preheated a few times first to get the wood warm but then it is good to go.


Well-Known Member
What kind of wood is the Milaana being made out of? I heard it's maple. The more I smell it the more I think maybe the glue smell that I smell is also formaldehyde in the wood. Formaldehyde is toxic to breathe in. I've had bad reactions to it before. Does anyone know the quality of the wood that Milaana are being made out of? Is it treated wood? Quality wood?
I wholeheartedly disagree. I can milk my bong with my Milaana almost as good as I can with my Supreme V3. Perhaps your technique needs more work or your product needs more dank or what have you but I can surely milk it good with my Milaana. I have a 19 inch beaker bong and I can pull vapor thick enough you wont see the red letters on the other side. I dont own a log, but heat is heat...its how you use the heat that matters and the Milaana has no problem providing optimal heat just like a desktop or log can produce. If your problem is you cant produce such vapor without combustion then you need to learn to feather the button better but consistent results of thick ass vapor are readily available with the Milaana.

I'm with @Slow Draw McGraw on this one. Mi doesn't have the balls the LSV does, not even the balls my faux LSV does. It might out power a log (which I find feasible owning both a mi and nano) but it simply cannot compete with the LSV. 45w of peak power vs ~30-35w of consistent power on a heater with considerably more mass and inertia is a different ballgame all together.

While I don't own the SV3 I can say several of my butane vaporizers outopreform the Mi in terms of speed, production and efficiency. My reasoning for keeping mi is ease of use and having a battery option outside of the project handy, plus the little change in rituals helps keep things exciting.

Just my .02, then again comparing single cell portables to higher end desktops and torch powered vapes isn't exactly a level playing field to begin with.
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