Great stuff bro! Thanks so much for the warm welcome, I am well indeed and I also hope that you are my friend, hope you've enjoyed many a great dab since we last spoke!
Hmm ok so it seems the glue is more on the cool air intake, and that excess glue is an inconsistent issue that may occur to different extents on different units, due to this being a hand-made item.
I do have to echo the posts suggesting that the glue could be taken out of the equation with the use of a washer/nut or similar for the intake screen. Still, my other question is this: Is the inner airpath wooden, or is there an SS inner path or something in there to stop earl from recondensing into wood and gunking it up?
I ask because my Vapman middle section (as well as my shorty Solo WonG a ways back) got absolutely vile with earl that absorbed into the wooden part of the airpath during use. For portable use, I need something that can be cleaned and will not comprise of wood soaked in cannabis resin from my copious bowls of full melt lol
I need to be able to reclaim everything. All I vape now is sweet, sweet full melt (my bubble tek has developed to the point that all I ever get from a given set of flowers now is full melt, from wash 1 all the way to the end

). Yields for full melt as we know, even for those that can reliably make it every time are gonna max out around 10%. This means that every drop counts. Even the reclaim is better than a lot of whole nug solvent extracts I've seen lol
My only concern re: mica is because of high relative humidity environments. In my travels, I frequently find myself in places with 85%+ RH. Mica flakes and delaminates with very little encouragement when it gets into contact with too much moisture. It happened a bunch with my vapman which uses Mica in much the same way. This is not to say that Mica is dangerous to breathe in - IIRC it is not. This is probably only a concern where the Mica could deteriorate enough to cause a short as you describe - especially for someone using an ELB to pack the load into (ain't no mica getting through that SS mesh lol).
It seems that the GonG part is proprietary too, I had at first thought that these units had a female 18mm GonG joint on the vapor outlet to connect to rigs or mouthpieces? Am I right here? Or are there different GonG options? Is this GonG part replaceable?
Thanks so much bro, I know I asked a lot of questions lol