Sooo my milaana arrived 3 weeks ago, and what a ride it has been!
Firstly i would like to say that RBT shipped my order with the extras i added but i had not yet paid for, Imagine my surprise 2 days after paying for the extras when my package arrived in the uk. i thought it would be another 9 days minimum.
The unit itself is a little bit rough around the edges but all the parts are seated correctly. Overall though i like the look of the unit and the minor imperfections melt away when in use.
For the first week my experience was strange, i was getting vapour but not the expected clouds of flavour, I wasn't able to milk my glassware like i could with my enano. I seemed to either get wispy and flavourful or clouds with that charred popcorn taste. However the vapour signature piqued my interest so i persisted. Back to this thread i returned for some tips from the clever peeps here. I found some insightful information regarding load, grind and more importantly draw.
Day 8 was very different I started to get some decent milk and subsequent clouds of deliciousness. I got lost in all the vapour and sadly combusted, I'm not talking a blackened bad tasting load but full on ignition! I decided to take the hit for the team and kept drawing to keep the nasty smoke from going into the heater chamber. After clearing the horrid smoke away i blew through the air intake of the milaana in case any smoke had lingered in there. Once i had done an iso clean on my glass everything was running like a champ again.
With each day that followed my love for the device increased and my technique improved as have the flavour and clouds. Both of which are equally ridiculous! Seriously the size and flavour of the clouds i have exhaled are obscene.
My apologies for not reporting back sooner but Milli has stolen my heart and face along with it!
To anyone that has received a milaana but has not fallen head over heals in love yet dont give up! Practice really makes perfect in this case especially with the variables in play.
I believe i still have a lot to learn regarding technique (especially when using it dry with a stem) But i am truely loving the experience and results now.
Sending a big thankyou to everyone that has contributed to this thread with helpfull tips, they really made the difference to my usage.
On a different note ive received 3 adapters from dhgate all of which unfortunately are too long for the milaana, Has anyone found a decent source yet for 19/22 male to male adapters? At this rate i may have to hit up OGB for an adapter but that international shipping is going to hurt!