But I like it!
RBT is good people, the patient are and will continue to be happily rewarded.
No chit! And it's not like he didn't say, several times, that he wasn't answering anything for awhile. If some peopel feel so special that they need to have their hand held for every step of the process then maybe pre-ordering what is shaping up to be a 'best in class' device is maybe not for you. There are a lot of great vapes out there that are already for sale - get one. And in a year or two who knows? Maybe Zion will be on the shelf right alongside the others. But maybe not... Thats also a beauty of getting in early on something. Not all things, but this one has several hundreds of pages of input and feedback of the design process, all live and in real time through our very own FC. And I do feel the need to mention that since finding FC I have not made a bad vape purchase. The people and knowledge in this place is absolutely wonderful. Lots of smart people sharing knowledge and info. I trust it. I try to contribute where I can. Thats how it works.
As a pre-order of both GH and Zion, I cancelled my GH as there was a whole bunch of buggy coming out of that. I'm not bashing, as I still would have gotten it, it's just also too small for what I actually require. Fun and cute, but ultimately a drawer vape for me. I waited for Zion, as well. It's SN13 - and it's a totally beautiful monster of a device. Simple to use, simple to run, swappable batteries, but I'm getting almost a day out of a pair. I bring spares when going out for a 12+ hour day, just in case. 3 years ago I had no idea what a vape actually was, and now I'm feeling *very* lucky to have more than one world-class vaping devices. In my head the collection I have is getting smaller, but I'll always have a home for a select few, and Zion is one of those. I'm looking forward to Milaana being the pocket-sized portable for bush bashing. TOD looks great, as well, but I have a funny feeling there may be some really cool skins and options available for it, so I can wait a bit...
It's disappointing there were a couple of duff units, but that hasn't seemed to slow other manufacturers down much... I have two other vapes that I *might* be able to get away with driving over, but only Zion has a warranty in case something untoward happened while I'm parked on it... I wonder if it's covered against damage due to falling down our mountain? Would I have to provide all the pieces, dust and all?