WOW!! My Milaana came today! I ordered this thing less than 6 days ago, so to call me SHOCKED would be a massive understatement!! For all the talk about "customer service" I'd just like to say that my experience with RBT was phenomenal.
First impressions: It's a little bulkier than I expected, but not too big. When I hold it in my left hand, the button falls around the base of my pink. The button has a satisfying click (I'm definitely gonna combust in this thing LOL, fun to push). My guess is there is enough resistance to prevent it from depressing in my pocket, but only time will tell.
Anyway, onto more important things... testing!
The copper colored swinging battery lid has a slight upward bend to it, which makes it difficult to secure in place when a battery isn't loaded. It holds better with a battery inside. The stems are heftier than I'm used to--I've never had a vape that uses an 18mm stem. The Arizer Solo stem's shaft can fit inside the Milaana's stem's shaft

. I've also used the Hammer Vaporizer, which has an even more narrow stem than the Solo does. The Mi stems feel sturdier than either the Solo's or the Hammer's. The short stem fits in the battery case (it was shipped that way), which I foresee being handy.
It also came with a yellow LG HE4 18650 battery, a wooden poker stick, 2 stems (short and long), and a tiny ziploc filled with some screens and some other metal stuff that I can't identify, but I assume goes in the hole next to the 18mm female joint.
I wanted to try it first with the long stem. The short stem came with a screen pre-inserted with the dome of the screen facing the male 18mm connection, so I figured I'd try the long stem with the dome of the screen facing the other way, toward the mouth area of the stem. It was not easy to get the screen in the first time, but once it was in, it was firmly set in place. I wanted the screen set shallow, a similar distance to the Hammer stems I am used to using. The dome of the screen maybe half an inch from the end of the male joint. I wanted a similar distance to the Hammer stems I'm used to using.
I had a charged battery (an older one, not RBTs) so I tried out the unit while the yellow battery charged.
I wanted to see if I could recreate my routine with the Hammer: Blast the heater on high, then start drawing early in the heating cycle, so that the first hit is a low cloud flavor blast. Then on the second hit, while the device is heat soaked, i'd blast the heater again, and ideally extract the rest of the load. I use very small loads, maybe .05, maybe less.
I loaded up some Jack Herer, and my very first hit was incredible. I blasted the heated, waited maybe 2 seconds, then took a long slow draw. Barely visible clouds, but tons of flavor. Very similar to a great hit from the Hammer, but with no noise, no butane smell, and in much less time.
Before my Second hit I stirred the load using a wooden match, trying the get the greenest area in the middle. Then I held the heater for maybe 5 seconds while preheating, released briefly, then re-held the button again the entire time i was drawing. I was happy with the level of extraction, but it wasn't dark brown like I was used to after a second hit with the Hammer. However the Hammer would take like 35 seconds of loud preheat time to get to that level, so maybe I just needed to heat more.
I put 3 more micro loads through the thing improved my results every time. This was especially true between the second and the third loads, turns out my nearly 3 year old Sony VTC3 is a much crappier cell than the new LG cell. With the new battery I was able to get serious clouds. And only once did I find a hit to be on the harsh side.
I haven't been able to test it with water yet, I don't have the correct size male to male. I'm gonna check out some head shops a bit later, see if I can find anything.
Overall I'm very excited about this thing. I think my friends will like it and I'm excited to share it with them, even though they usually prefer G pens and concentrates to herb vapes. I paid $169 + $17 shipping (which took 1 day, as I live very close to where it was shipped from) and as of 4 bowls, I think that price is more than fair. I'll gain much more perspective later I'm sure, but for now, those are my thoughts.