Huh. Just had my first session with the new darling. I am impressed. And baked.
Really. This vape is not like any vape that I have owned before. It is a very special device, that's for sure!
I cannot even say that it is the best vape that I have ever had. At least not yet. (But I can imagine that I will say so soon)
If the Milaana is a vaporizer, then I have never used a vaporizer before. It's like a new beginning.
Where to start?
First of all:
Everything was packed safely and secure. And it was here very fast, given that there was an ocean and our Customs authorities in between.
Big thanks to for having done a great job here and for the free doobie tube! Very much appreciated! My absolute recommendation for!
I don't like Butternut. I am so glad that I ordered an additional Walnut version. Just a question of taste, of course. The device itself is very nice and well made. It is lighter in weight than I expected. Great and valuable unit.
I packed the (short) stem loosely with some coarse ground AK-47 that I had around and was (nicely) surprised that also small amounts are doable and that I do not have to pack 0.3gr in it for every session. One point on the checklist.
Pressed the button for 5 seconds, slowly started to inhale, kept pressing the button for further 5 seconds and then pulsed it 3 or 4 times during the last 5 seconds. I received a real good and dense hit, not harsh at all, not hot, with good flavour (not as good as the first hits from my Vapcap, but I guess I will find that hotspot here too). And that hit left me speechless for 5 minutes. I could not believe how baked I was. Instantly. Please mind that I smoke/vape around 1-2gr each and every day. I wake and bake. It's not that easy to get me baked instantly. But it worked. Impressed. One more point on the checklist.
I had to stir. I normally hate stirring. But with the Milaana, it somehow was completely okay for me. I don't know why, maybe because it is so hassle-free to do it, but I really did not care.
Did some more sessions, while playing with the power button, and liked each of them very much. This is not a vaporizer for beginners. This is really something for connoisseurs and people who love "to work" with their device. It has nothing to do with all those "choose a setting and go" devices. But I already feel now, after just one bowl, that I love this sweetheart. I cannot imagine this being my only vape, but the Milaana is exactly what I was seeking for "at home usage".
Thank you all! I would never have discovered this awesome vape without you guys & gals.
I would never have bought it without all your valuable input in this thread and the videos that some of you have produced.
You made my world a good bit better. One Love!
I dedicate the next bowls to you all. Please excuse me now - I hear the Milaana crying for me!