Dude thanks so much for this, it really means a lot! I just love my Milaana and I guess the vibe spreads around haha. No compensation needed!
Careful on the longer preheat .. the Milaana isn't built to get red hot. Can charr the wood around the heater. It's better for the health of the unit to preheat for about 5-6 seconds instead and pull slow to feel the rise i heat then pulse it .. as opposed to getting it red hot, getting vapor faster, then letting off.
Plus...when you give 5 seconds and slowly inhale, you get a full terp flavor profile from like 250-400 degrees, and that full range of active ingredients too. 5 seconds and then a slow, SLOW, (SSLOOOWW) pull for a few seconds to get the heater to temp is optimal for me.
It's not necessarily the temperature of the heater, but the temperature of the weed itself that is needed. Whether or not the heater is super hot or moderately hot, it still needs a good few seconds of drawing through the herb until you'll start feeling that resin in your mouth. Just something to keep in mind.

Glad the positive thoughts pushed the milaanamailman to do his job at top notch speeds. Looking forward to your thoughts! Hopefully you pick up on it quickly!