Discontinued The RBT Milaana (unregulated single 18650)

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Vaped Out
Was that to be sure you had one that worked?
:rofl: Honestly, no I couldn't wait so bought one second hand that was already broken. Got it RMA'd and it hasn't had issues ever since, over a year. Then I bought a Purple Ti, and I had a Bronze preorder. I sold the bronze one and sadly it did die on the person who I sold it to. However my purple Ti has never been sent back and it's been going for over a year as well. Honestly my GH is my daily. So now two Hoppers in and waiting to try the Milaana out.
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Calm Consistency
Beautiful pictures! Do you really have three though? Jeez I thought I had a problem:nod:. I once had 3 Grasshoppers.
I had the OG from my preorder. Then he was coming out with a v1 with recessed glass and new intake screen and more powerful heater ... couldn't miss that of course, so preordered that one. And then he came out with a small run of Spalted units .. so of course I had to get one of those. Sold my OG to my friend for $100. Got my v1 as a backup now (been given to 2 people so far during warranty repairs) and has held up great. But my Spalted is my driver. Solid as a rock.

Also .. I think you'll definitely enjoy the Milaana next to your GH ... may even take its place as a dry vape ;)


Calm Consistency
Been using the Solo 2 thru water a lot cuz of the convenience but decided to pack up the Milaana m2m instead.
I packed about 1/3 of a bowl, probably around a .05-.07. I forget that because of the high airflow the Milaana doesn't appear to get as milky as my low airflow Solo 2, fooling you on how large the hits were. Well ... I was fooled. Two massive exhale hits later and I was sitting on my couch trying to get the room to stop spinning. Man ... I gotta remember to take it easy sometimes, those punches really got me. That's one of Milaana's finest qualities, the potency of the vapor is insane. It's not necessarily just the size of the hits, something in there really gets me stoned! Really, really stoned!


Vaped Out
Been using the Solo 2 thru water a lot cuz of the convenience but decided to pack up the Milaana m2m instead.
I packed about 1/3 of a bowl, probably around a .05-.07. I forget that because of the high airflow the Milaana doesn't appear to get as milky as my low airflow Solo 2, fooling you on how large the hits were. Well ... I was fooled. Two massive exhale hits later and I was sitting on my couch trying to get the room to stop spinning. Man ... I gotta remember to take it easy sometimes, those punches really got me. That's one of Milaana's finest qualities, the potency of the vapor is insane. It's not necessarily just the size of the hits, something in there really gets me stoned! Really, really stoned!
Maybe the quick vaporization of the THC? I feel this way about the GH whereas the Mighty catches me off guard because of the smooth vapor.


Calm Consistency
Maybe the quick vaporization of the THC? I feel this way about the GH whereas the Mighty catches me off guard because of the smooth vapor.
Similar! Although I feel the GH gives thicker vapor but nowhere near as potent. I gotta go thru a lot more in the GH. Maybe the high airflow helps your lungs absorb it mixing it with the oxygen. No idea.


Vaped Out
Similar! Although I feel the GH gives thicker vapor but nowhere near as potent. I gotta go thru a lot more in the GH. Maybe the high airflow helps your lungs absorb it mixing it with the oxygen. No idea.
I have also thought about that since the Mighty vapor feels like it goes straight into my lungs. Do you have a PFE for the GH? With the PFE I feel I get better draws.
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HD Springer

Well-Known Member
The absolute best part about the Milaana in my eyes is the simple fact that it does what it was built to do. Vaporize. No bells no lights no apps no vapor cooling magic twist and turns,no goddamn USB ports to charge. It's a little beautiful wooden box that will knock your dick in the dirt if not careful. The user has to maintain heat levels through the rate at which you draw or by riding the button.
It forces you to listen/feel for the "wave" of vapor that it's releasing into that glass stem. True Convection in the very most bare bones package.
And honestly the very first of its kind. We've already seen others duplicate it's form and try to duplicate its functions. Sorry for the rambling just felt the need to express my feelings a little. Must be the end of summer or some other crock of bullshit.

One last thing. I think it's very cool that @VCBud has joined the ranks of Mi owners. And any other reviewers also.


Vaped Out
The absolute best part about the Milaana in my eyes is the simple fact that it does what it was built to do. Vaporize. No bells no lights no apps no vapor cooling magic twist and turns,no goddamn USB ports to charge. It's a little beautiful wooden box that will knock your dick in the dirt if not careful. The user has to maintain heat levels through the rate at which you draw or by riding the button.
It forces you to listen/feel for the "wave" of vapor that it's releasing into that glass stem. True Convection in the very most bare bones package.
And honestly the very first of its kind. We've already seen others duplicate it's form and try to duplicate its functions. Sorry for the rambling just felt the need to express my feelings a little. Must be the end of summer or some other crock of bullshit.

One last thing. I think it's very cool that @VCBud has joined the ranks of Mi owners. And any other reviewers also.
It's going to be the best hipster vape for my hipster self then lol. I have one on the way. Can't wait to try it and hopefully fall in love with it.


Calm Consistency
I have also thought about that since the Mighty vapor feels like it goes straight into my lungs. Do you have a PFE for the GH? With the PFE I feel I get better draws.
Yeah I use the pfe through water. Sure is fun. Still feels restrictive tho but it's better for sure.

The absolute best part about the Milaana in my eyes is the simple fact that it does what it was built to do. Vaporize. No bells no lights no apps no vapor cooling magic twist and turns,no goddamn USB ports to charge. It's a little beautiful wooden box that will knock your dick in the dirt if not careful. The user has to maintain heat levels through the rate at which you draw or by riding the button.
It forces you to listen/feel for the "wave" of vapor that it's releasing into that glass stem. True Convection in the very most bare bones package.
And honestly the very first of its kind. We've already seen others duplicate it's form and try to duplicate its functions. Sorry for the rambling just felt the need to express my feelings a little. Must be the end of summer or some other crock of bullshit.

One last thing. I think it's very cool that @VCBud has joined the ranks of Mi owners. And any other reviewers also.
Dude it's such a pleasure to own this vape. Just does its job perfectly .. and better than most out there.

It's going to be the best hipster vape for my hipster self then lol. I have one on the way. Can't wait to try it and hopefully fall in love with it.
I have no doubt you'll love it. I feel like you have a good idea of what you're getting, and that's a great start to enjoying it!

It's kinda fun to watch folks use it (and Zion) for the first time. For a lot of people it is an awakening. "What just happened...?"

Obviously it isn't for everyone, nothing really is. But it really IS for a lot of folks. :)
My first sesh with the Milaana on may 5th 2016 left me in a vegetative state for the entire night. It was so fun. Come to think of it .. I've been a vegetable ever since. The honeymoon phase never ends for me. (You'll be watching me use the Zion for the first time soon :) )


Vaped Out
Sorry for the double post but it's too late to edit...been a full day without a post, haha

Decided to do a fat cloud chase sesh with @DDave 14mm microdose mod. I only have about .05 loaded in here, but look how insane these clouds are. Flavor top notch too. I got about 3-4 more hits after I ended the video.
Now I keep refreshing USPS tracking waiting for my Milaana :haw:


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Well-Known Member
@AJS thank you for the videos and infos... I would not have bought a milaana without you... In my opinion AJS should be rewarded @cannabis.pro @RastaBuddhaTao for this...

I want to give a little feed back about the mi and wanted to share my technique...

I am quite happy with the purchase of the mi at first I was kot really impressed and was thinking about selling it...
but after I find the right technique for me it is going to stay....

my technique... I do not know but as with the firewood 3 I tried to get to know thre heater... so I took of the stem and looked after the glow... and counted how long it did take the heater to glow orange in my cas3 I counted to 11 or 15 sec.

native use:

so I am counting now to 11 and then take a steady slow drow until I feel the heat in my throat//mouth then I let the knob off and draw faster... if you are not after big clouds, you can start to inhale after 5 sec. pushing the knob so the taste will be better but smaller clouds...
if you want bigger clouds push knob, count to 11... start to draw if you feel vapor is forming make a test puff if younsee a small cloud when exhaling... take a big fast draw -》 big cloud but the top of the herb will be a little bit charred (do not know if you can say it combusted, there is no ash, a tiny black spot in your herb on top...) but the taste is kot the greatest... I could not really tell differences between d6fferent herbs, but I get big clouds...

with my bubber:

I am using my grasshopper silicon condom on my short stem (BTW I have noticed using this condom taking native hits, the hits are much less harsh)... ok insert stem in mi put on the bubbler... count to eleven start taking a draw... when you see vapor is forming in your bubbler... exhale... take draw now your bubbler will fill with dense vapor (looks like milk)... but do not pushnthenknob to long (after the bubbler is milked release button) otherwise you will combust and your bubbler will fill with yellow smoke... Aga6n with this technique you will get max clouds but the taste is not the best...

have fun and you need not much herb for big clouds


Vaped Out
I think I've refreshed my USPS tracking 14 times today so far. I totally feel ya man...we get to wait together!

Here...have another video to satisfy your craving for another minute!
It was going to arrive on saturday, but I just saw they updated it for today. I have an sinus infection and am taking antibiotics. I will see how I feel after I get off work, but I don't know if I'm going to be able to contain myself from not using it lol. You sent some good vibes my way, and now it's getting here today. Cheers! :peace::sherlock:
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