Shit Snacks
Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
Just returned from my vacation to have a great surprise for me when I returned. My new milaana had arrived and it's FUCKING GORGEOUS!!!!!!!!! So I happened to have a freshly charged battery and proceeded to christen the living hell out of it. Like at 3:30 in the morning. Such a great vaporizer. And how RBT has refined everything is so so cool.
Ryan you've really started something great with RBT. As I've said many times before IMO This is how vaporizing should be.
Nice! Can't wait for my purpleheart
HD - my canary bro!We want pics!!
And guess what... today my MOST PRECIOUS one arrived. I dreamt of this for quite some time, now it's real and it feels so unbelievably smooth, this wood and finishing is ridiculous... Fucking gorgeous!!!
I know, @RastaBuddhaTao you won't hear me in here - but I wanna shout it out loud anyways: YOU'RE AN EFFIN' GENIOUS.. love ya!!!
Check out these pics - as always, they don't do justice and I am not able to catch that superfine canary endgrain and surface structure with my shitty cell cam. It's really looks a bit pearlescent shiny..!
Tryin' my best though... I'm soo in love, this isn't normal.. but it's not just a vape.
Please have a look
Already feel like I need to donate some extra cash to RBT...never seen or felt anything like this one...
Sorry, I need to go - don't wanna annoy anyone with this.. I'm just so HAPPYYYYYY...
Get out your Mi's and let's have a Milaana worship sesh!
Announcement! Twice a day Ryan is broadcasting live from RBT Labs working on Zions full on: most workdays at 12pm EST and 7pm EST. Get IG and just click on his channel to join and watch. He's happy to see anyone around while working. So if you feel like supporting him or just catch a glimpse what he's doing all day long for us, tune in!!! See you around guys.
EDIT: Just realized Ryan was so great to throw in an extra black glass set too.. shorty stem + long one (will gladly post pics with that birdie hottie wearin black, if you like. Don't wanna steal everyone's bandwith though)... Oh man, gotta do something extra good now to balance karma..
Fuck man. My VTC6 turned her on like crazy... vapin' hot hot lady!
So I had to take another one: ever wondered how that superhot big sista of millie Milaana would look like?.. Right. Here she is - and she's got some exclusive character. So you gotta admit:
'More wood is always good!' Right guys and gals??![]()
Ah and you got that crazy cracked canary one, aye? Nice choice! and DOPE magazine tice away got the other canarywoods I think, but each one so stunningly unique!
I love all the colors that blend with canarywood, made my decision harder, but I think I will be very satisfied soon enough too!
It's all about Zion now, but these Milaanas are truly one of a kind!