Just measurements info. It is silly but can't test it now since my SF is broken and waiting for glass spares from local supplier.
yeh im half way through making a stainless wood sleeved heater its just too fragile as is , for outdoor use anyway
Just measurements info. It is silly but can't test it now since my SF is broken and waiting for glass spares from local supplier.
Do these enable the fine tuning with PID like myevic etc.? Can't find any related posts in this thread.
AF is big improvement but still getting +/-30°C jumps when protection appears - it usually happens twice per 15s puff limit.
Question for ppl that have the eraser and glass version , don't you find the glass version very restricted ? because in my case i find it to the point i don't want use it anymore , maybe i miss some technique or indeed the restricted air flow level of this version ?
That's quite a lot! Are you seeing this in the device monitor app? I had some weirdness with my evic VTC mini but not that much.
Are you using myevic or ArticFox? Did you enable PID for the former and PI for the latter? In myevic you don't get the "protection" message anymore when PID is enabled normally.
Been very busy lately. Thanks for your responses. These temperature jumps were in AF using NFE Monitor. I was unable to set myevic correctly (I did not know about Modes), but now it seems I am on the right way.
Playing with PID and TCR values. I get little bit confused here. When I set the TCR around 150 the coil don't glow (I try to avoid it) around 200°C but vapor is weak but when I set it higher, +-180TCR at the same temperature (how could it be the same temperature whether glowing or not??) it starts to glow a lot and vapor is very good but I am afraid it could be dangerous. Do your coil usually glow?
Here is my current setup. Calling it Pure (~there are no silicone o-rings etc. just cork and peek insulator) Pleasure (~not getting bored with those silly screens anymore).
How do you guys cut and drill glass stems? Got some equipment but ended in literary in bloody tears... Eyes full of glass dust
Could You explain a bit why it should be avoided?From my understanding glowing should be avoided.
Could You explain a bit why it should be avoided?
A and does anybody know how is it possible to achieve same temperature (according to mod's display) as with or without glowing? By simple logic, when the coil is glowing it should be always hotter than without glow...
I'm not the right guy for that job, I just seem to recall that coming up a few times. Perhaps @KeroZen or @Shit Snacks have some input on the matter.
I suppose those who need a glowing coil just draw harder than the rest?
I have to draw pretty hard to avoid central dark spot.
In fact, it seems that I like it pretty harsh. Instant vapor and hit on the throat. Ex smoker. Forever...Or well, if you like it your way, whatever.
well I did not read the thread fully (50pages plus are massive) however from the first few pages I got it like "if you are lucky a fellow FCer already built one for hisself and has all parts for another one laying around" - snowball effect.
So: Does maybe someone has the parts, a kit, or a assembled one on hand and would like to pass it on to me?
I am located in Germany, therefore EU preferred..
(About me: I use a Chapman often, a vaponic sometimes. only tried a melba as electric vape which I do not like at all - therefore I am looking to improve..)