Crohn's Warrior
Let me say this: I have not one, but TWO life threatening chronic conditions. Both of them can cause nausea and vomiting so bad I've prayed for death on more than one occasion. Other symptoms include: Lack of appetite, pain, diarrhea, more bowel movements in one day than most people have in a month, etc. 
I've been smoking herb for the past 30 years, using medically for the past 20, and vaping for the past 5. I vape EVERY day in order to be able to function as a productive person. Like MM, I have a pretty high tolerance. The Pinnacle may not medicate me as quickly as my UD, but it does get me there nicely. I'm sharing this personal information because I'm VERY impressed with this little vape and more medical users need to know that there is a portable that will medicate you well and NOT burn through your weed or your wallet. End of sermon.

I've been smoking herb for the past 30 years, using medically for the past 20, and vaping for the past 5. I vape EVERY day in order to be able to function as a productive person. Like MM, I have a pretty high tolerance. The Pinnacle may not medicate me as quickly as my UD, but it does get me there nicely. I'm sharing this personal information because I'm VERY impressed with this little vape and more medical users need to know that there is a portable that will medicate you well and NOT burn through your weed or your wallet. End of sermon.