I wholeheartedly agree that there is no excuse when it comes to safety. However, from reading your post I have to come to the conclusion that you either have not read, or do not understand the circumstances surrounding this issue. Or understand this community as whole, for that matter.
If the issue was directly related to the heat of the Pinnacle/Vaporization in general, then the issue would be massively widespread, experienced by most heavy users of the devices and have been come upon much earlier in the life of this vaporizer. The fact is, it is not.
Engineering would have mouthpieces melting right away on the higher temperature pro version if it was. The issue here (tentatively) is the chemical reaction some PonG mouthpieces have had when used with unknown brands of rubbing alcohol or other cleaners. So I fail to see how that completely out of context quote has any bearing on this situation.
As well, I don't know if you have noticed or not, but there are hundreds of vaporizer companies out there. However, we only have a handful of vaporizer companies that are taking part in the community. There are very few companies that are willing to subject themselves to the ravenous wolves of discerning vapor that reside here. Marketing can be done much cheaper, and easier elsewhere, where there aren't hundreds of people with engineering, scientific and medical experience willing to speak their mind of a product.
The companies who are here do care about the community of people using their product. The ones who aren't, are the ones who want to take the path of least resistance and take out an add in High Times to reach a sample size of hundreds more than you could ever get here.
I have an incredible amount of respect for VaporBlunt, VapeXhale, the log vape guys and everyone else I am forgetting because they constantly go out of their way to be a part of the community. And they constantly put up with ridiculous shit from users like yourself who simply don't understand the issues at hand but whip themselves up into a self righteous tizzy nonetheless. And then claim they don't care about us. I can see why so many companies choose to pass us by...