The Pinnacle by Vaporblunt


Well-Known Member
Still Loving my PN !

I Dropped it from about knee height on the floor and the top and bullet went everywhere once .
I am pretty careful with it most of the time though .
Hmm. .. My bullet always drops right out of the Pn when tipped .

The Blunt Tube I got is working great as a Bullet tube with the Stoppers Toros found .
I also grind and find I get good results with the stuff that's been in the grinder for a day or 2 .

I don't know if this thing is running a bit hotter or if my technique has gotten better but man this thing puts out and I am VERY satisfied .


Always in a state of confusion and silliness♀
I think it is technique personally cause I have gotten better with it as time went on and I don't even think I am doing anything different. It is like I always say muscle memory. When you find that sweet spot your brain locks into it every time.


Well-Known Member
I don't know if this thing is running a bit hotter or if my technique has gotten better but man this thing puts out and I am VERY satisfied .
I found that I've been using a "puffing" technique quite often, especially when not using the WT or whip tubing I hooked up. To clarify, I hit it slowly for a second, take a small breath, repeat. Keeps the heat high and reduces throat irritation.
So a couple threads back i was giving alot of praise to gv for responding and sending a replacement so quick. but that was short lived. i came to realize the pn i sent back to them was the same unit they sent back to me. :doh: i remember TRVB replying to my post about them having a 2% return ratio. so i started thinking maybe this wasn't a new replacement , so i looked at the paper that was sent back w/ the unit and next to memo on the top right its said send same unit back. so when i tried using the pn again and came back w/ the same results. so i sent it back and gv received it last thur.( 5/16/2013) and until now. no email response and its been a week since they've received and no word back yet. so now my suspicions are becoming more of facts that gv. did send the same unit to me because the last time they sent the "REPLACEMENT" it was sent out literally the next day after them receiving it. :nope: Well its been more than a month since i placed my initial order and i still havent been able to use the DAMN BEAUTIFUL WT. so i ended up investing in a solo for the time being this time from In no way am i trying to bash on gv but they need to step there game up cuz its giving a bad rep for there products that there selling. just my :2c:
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Crohn's Warrior
I think it is technique personally cause I have gotten better with it as time went on and I don't even think I am doing anything different. It is like I always say muscle memory. When you find that sweet spot your brain locks into it every time.
I agree, Dreamer. There is a small learning curve with the Pinnacle, but once you hook into it, the PN hits HARD with the PONG mouthpiece...even without the water tool and on low temp. :haw: Here's my technique

1. Use the PONG mouthpiece rather than the regular one. It gives you much better performance.
2. Start with herb that is COMPLETELY DRY. This is very important.
3. Grind herb VERY FINE. Not coffee grinder fine, but almost.
4. Fill the bullet loosely w/herb to just below the "flare" in the bullet and tamp down firmly, but not too tight.
5. Wait 45 seconds after the Pinnacle indicates it's ready.
6. Inhale gently and slowly for about 10 seconds.
7. Check occasionally to see of your herb has "floated up" to the top of the bullet. If it has, tap/tamp it down.


Always in a state of confusion and silliness♀
LOL that is way to much thinking for me:rofl:. Since the heat up time is waaaaay to long for me I start to heat the herb early. What else I do I can't say but I am sure it is not always the same :D. Most of the time I don't even bone dry my herb cause I vape way to much and forget.


Crohn's Warrior
LOL that is way to much thinking for me:rofl:. Since the heat up time is waaaaay to long for me I start to heat the herb early. What else I do I can't say but I am sure it is not always the same :D. Most of the time I don't even bone dry my herb cause I vape way to much and forget.
I tend to be overly analytical sometimes. :science: It all comes down to muscle memory.
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I really stuffed a bullet to try see what that's like, took a lot of herb. good clouds but i think a bit of a waste. had to empty the bullet like a pea shooter blow into the screen and pop abv shoots out in one piece.


Well-Known Member
I really stuffed a bullet to try see what that's like, took a lot of herb. good clouds but i think a bit of a waste. had to empty the bullet like a pea shooter blow into the screen and pop abv shoots out in one piece.

That is funny, I do the same thing almost always. More than once I've put a bullet on my lips that was way to hot, during testing I had so many blisters on my lips it looked like I had herpes haha


Well-Known Member
I really stuffed a bullet to try see what that's like, took a lot of herb. good clouds but i think a bit of a waste. had to empty the bullet like a pea shooter blow into the screen and pop abv shoots out in one piece.
I completely stuff my bullet, and my abv turns out dark brown every time now. So I don't think it makes it less efficient. Just follow what Crohnie said, it's good advice. Although my technique differs with "4. Fill the bullet loosely w/herb to just below the "flare" in the bullet and tamp down firmly, but not too tight." I also tamp is down firmly, but never enough so that I'm exerting force on the herb. Like I push down on my pen (which is the perfect diameter) until I feel any resistance. So after doing what Crohnie said, I repeat step 4 until the packed herb reaches the flare.
Lately I've been using my whip attachment as my daily driver, and it's awesome. I'll post a picture when I get the chance.


New Member
I've been lurking this thread for months, and decided to buy a pinnacle as my first vaporizer ever. I had never vaped before (just a few times), but decided to take the healthy alternative over a bong. Therefore, I picked up both the WT and the unit itself, and have used it consistently over the past month.

However, I have mixed feelings about it. The fact is that I just cannot get sufficiently medicated. I have been smoking (not necessarily vaping) for over 3 months now daily. I do not think that my tolerance is too high...or I don't think so.

Anyways, I recently picked up some high grade which I filled to the top, compacted beneath the flare of the bullet. I tried every heat setting, every WT water level, and every way of filling the bullets. I even tried letting it heat up for 5 minutes and then taking a pull off of the WT. However, I still do not get as medicated as when I hit from my trusty pipe. I've charged it many times over night and the vapor is there...

Don't get me wrong, I can see how the unit can be very well liked. I'm just confused, maybe I dove into the purchase too soon? Perhaps I am a bong guy and not a vape guy. Does anyone have any advice on to how to enhance my vaping experience, or where I could go to sell the PN + WT?

Many thanks for reading.


Always in a state of confusion and silliness♀
I said earlier in this thread that I love my PN but didn't think it was a good first vape for exactly the issues you are having. For one thing vaping and smoking are different and you have to get used to the cleaner medication. When you are trying to come off smoking IMO you need a vape that will somewhat satisfy that smoking urge. For me at that time it was the INH which was my 4th vape. I suggest reading a few threads and buying more of a vape like maybe a plug in first. I wouldn't get rid of the PN just yet until you can see what vaping can do for you. Smoking does help things for me that vaping never replaced but I will never go back. Vaping in no way or very little that it doesn't matter helps my spasms where smoking helped after one or two hits in less then a few minutes. It must have been those lovely carcinogens or whatever bad stuff you get from smoking but it still isn't worth it. Welcome to the forum and go take a look around.
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New Member
I thought it over and the pinnacle was not really what I was desiring. Thanks for your input Dreamerr but I guess that this was not for me. A bubbler might suit me better, I'm still exploring my options!


Well-Known Member
I thought it over and the pinnacle was not really what I was desiring. Thanks for your input Dreamerr but I guess that this was not for me. A bubbler might suit me better, I'm still exploring my options!
It's up to you, but I would consider keeping your Pinnacle as your portable and buying a home unit that isn't too expensive, like a Da Buddha for instance. With that you can turn up the heat as much as you want, and get an effect more similar to smoking. After vaping for a while, I think you'll be able to go back to the Pinnacle and enjoy it much more. If you want some money back though, I would sell the WT since a lot of people really like them.
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Vapor concierge
rbg...first off, welcome to the forum! second, I deleted the part of your post talking about selling your unit. We're pretty hardline about keeping that stuff in the classifieds and out of the threads.

Finally, the problem you are having is the PN doesn't get to the higher temps and is not releasing the cannabinoids you are looking for. The PN Pro (coming out no sooner than a month from now) will, and if you are digging the PN, that one will probably satisfy you. You're probably looking for that heavy stone feeling, but the lower temps mostly produce the sativa-like head high.

I think shmoo has a good suggestion of getting another vape that goes higher and hanging on to this one for when you want a more social high, unless you need to get funds from this to purchase another one. I never get the exact same high from vapor that I do from smoking. So stop looking for that. What you can do is be more efficient and have more control over the effects with vaping.

trvb...did you ever get a final answer as to the possibility of an upgrade from the PN to the PN Pro?


New Member
My mistake stickstones, i'll be sure to keep that in mind for the future. Thanks for the responses guys!

I thought that 390 degrees was actually pretty high for vaporization. At which degree are the cannabinoids released that produce the heavy stone feeling? The pinnacle pro does seem to fit my needs better if that is the case.


Well-Known Member
My mistake stickstones, i'll be sure to keep that in mind for the future. Thanks for the responses guys!

I thought that 390 degrees was actually pretty high for vaporization. At which degree are the cannabinoids released that produce the heavy stone feeling? The pinnacle pro does seem to fit my needs better if that is the case.

Anywhere from 400 to 425F will give you the high temperature, "heavy stone" you're looking for!
I have now used the Pinnacle for over 10 "bullets" now and I wanted to give a review.

My experience with vaporizers is with the MFLB, Palm 2.0, and Thermovape Revolution. I had real reservations about this unit as I just couldn't get a decent Vape from the Thermo without burning my hand. Boy was I wrong. I am really enjoying the Pinnacle.

The bullet system is ingenious. You're not spilling all over the machine, trying to fill it up. I pour a little in my hand (ground up slightly larger than sugar) and scoop up with the bullet. I use the end of the brush to press it down slightly if it's fluffy, and fill to the bottom of the fluted end of the bullet. I use the high setting, and give it one minute after the light goes solid. Long slow inhales. No stirring! I just give it a tap or two in the middle of a session, maybe it's just muscle memory from my MFLB, it might not even need it. I get about 6 big draws, and a few others before it gets harsh and I know we're about done.

I'm not producing big clouds like I can with the MFLB, but I think that's because the box is getting so hot it's slightly combusting. I am seeing visible vapour from the Pinnacle and the bullet empties out a nice even medium brown with no dark spots. The taste is very strong and diminishes and changes slightly towards the end. I use the unit 3 times and then recharge, even though that I believe that there is enough battery life for a 4th go-round.

It is incredibly easy to clean. Since the vaporization is so even, there is no resin left over in the chamber. The bullets empty out easily and the small particles that are left can be removed by blowing on the screen end, or with the included pipe cleaner. I have not seen any particles in the heating chamber but if there were, the brush or pipe cleaner would work. Some material gets caught on the mouthpiece screen, but a couple of brush strokes works there too. I can see a little resin building up where the screen is inserted and in the folds of the mouthpiece, but a pipe cleaner would easily work there too. It really is effortless.

I was thinking about waiting for the ascent before I got this unit, but I really can't imagine I would want anything more out of a vaporizer. The Pinnacle is a great unit, doesn't smell like my MFLB, it's stealthy, I got mine for $180 and most importantly, it works. I'm happy I purchased it.


Toolbag v1.1 (candidate)
Staff member
I'm not producing big clouds like I can with the MFLB, but I think that's because the box is getting so hot it's slightly combusting.


The Pinnacle is a great unit, doesn't smell like my MFLB, it's stealthy, I got mine for $180 and most importantly, it works. I'm happy I purchased it.

If you are getting any combustion at all from any device, you will know it immediately, you won't just think it might be combustion.

The PN does have some odour, it's just not especially strong. (My LBs have almost no odour.) A sharp nose will detect it as soon as it warms up.
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Well-Known Member
I had been cleaning the screen from both sides with Iso and q-tip and the top part of the Pong but not the bottom where it snaps on .
I tried to use as little iso as possible and rise it thoroughly because I was worried about problems w my pong fogging up or pitting .

It just kept fitting tighter and tighter , to where I had a hard time not pulling mine out of its case to get the mp off. After a few weeks of that it started getting so tight it made a solid crack noise taking it off unless you did it while hot.

I began to worry about breaking it removing the Mp it fit so tight so I cleaned all of it this time.
I took the Iso plunge with my tinted MP and put it in a baggie with iso and shook it up real good and rised thoroughly , It did not damage it at all.

However holy crap the MP is loose , I guess its fight so tight for so long I forgot how loose it is new .
I am looking forward to letting it get a bit tighter again.

So the point is if the MP is too loose for you Vape more and clean less LOL .
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FC member
good review rev and exactly the same as i would have done it. I can use 6 to 7 sessions on one charge (low setting). fully discharging the pn and charging for 5 hours seems to work best.
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