As a medical user for the last 20 years, I would like to offer a different perspective on the Pinnacle. I do not want ALL medical users to get the impression that this is not the vape for them. I have several chronic, life threatening conditions. All of them cause lack of appetite, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, etc. Pain is seldom the issue and when it does strike, it's usually of short duration. With these symptoms, the Pinnacle medicates me nicely. The higher temps required by some medical users to extract more of the pain and anti-anxiety actives are therefore, not an issue for me.
The Pinnacle may not medicate me as quickly as my UD, but it gets me there nicely. One can produce nice clouds (again, not as big as my UD) on LOW even with the regular mouthpiece and no water tool with the proper technique. THERE IS A LEARNING CURVE TO THIS VAPE. Youtube's "Darth Vaper", whose video is featured throughout this thread, has amply demonstrated the clouds the Pinnacle can produce USING PROPER TECHNIQUE on ANY temp with EITHER mouthpiece.
True, the Pinnacle isn't the speediest to warm up, but when it does, and it's vaped with good technique, it works nicely. It is NOT the "sneak a quick huge hit from a cold start on the first inhale" kind of portable. For that, others (from what I've heard) may be more satisfied with the XP. For me, the Pinnacle MORE than makes up for it with its AMAZING efficiency. I have never (including my log vape) used a vape that required so little herb for the same effect. When the XP finally gets the bugs worked out, I'll buy one. For now, I more than happy with my Pinnacle.
PS: Sorry if I'm starting to sound like a "fanboy." The Pinnacle has things that can be improved. I think a "Pinnacle 2" rather than a "PRO" model would be a better approach. I don't think 2 models selling at the same time will work with this vape. More on that later.