Mr. Upupandaway is the proud owner of a pinnacle. Being he is the first customer I am going to throw him a free WT for his pinnacle once they are available. Thanks for coming by the booth!! I anxiously await your opinion
Thanks, TRVB!!!! I feel like I found a golden ticket!!!
It's a bummer I didn't get to meet you at Hempcon; the guys at the booth mentioned that you were there on Friday, but I was still in good hands with the dudes you had holding down the fort.
I was doing my initial lap around the 215 area and knew that the vb folks would be there. On my first pass, there was a good amount of people at the booth checking things out; good sign.
I wasn't in any hurry to jump in; I had all day and already knew what I wanted to check out.
2nd lap- still busy. Nice! I'm not sure how many people snagged one of the vb vapes, but these guys were definitely spreading the word. No worries; still plenty of other booths I wanted to spend time at.
3rd lap- 3 people there, time to approach. I mentioned being a member of FC and they immediately knew what I was talking about.
The original VB, VB 2.0, Palm, and Palm 2.0 were all out on display. And then... there it was- the Pinnacle.
Me: "So, when are these gonna be available for sale?"
VB dude (Sorry, I'm horrible with names, even more so at events such as this.): "Actually, we got them on Friday and decided 'Fuck it, let's put it out there'. You're one of the first few who has the chance to get your hands on this." [I'm paraphrasing.]
I knew that I owed it to my FC brethren to take advantage of this opportunity. They gave me a deal so obscene that I felt like I needed to take a shower when I got home.

I'll leave it to TRVB to give the retail price, but I'll say that it's in line with what I expected.
Okay, enough foreplay...
Above: Chamber cap with screen
Above: These are the "chambers" i.e. the bowls where you drop your load (giggidy). You get 2 in the package. I'm no metalsmith, but I think they look pretty nice. It holds about 0.2g.
Above: Here's the heating element. The walls look like they're ss (again, trvb can confirm) but I'm not sure what the floor is made of.
The Pinnacle is pretty damn sexy. 15.5 cm x 2.7 cm x 2.5 cm (w/ mp attached). There are 2 temp settings; according to the quick start guide, low (white light) is around 375 F, high (orange light) is about 390 F. It's a 3 hr charge time from empty.
Round 1: I hit the button once to turn on the Pinnacle and the white light flashes as it warms up. After 38 sec the light turns solid; pretty nice warm up time to reach low temp. I hit the button again to get it to orange, which happens in about 10 sec. Sweet. I sniff the heating element and don't detect anything weird; so far, so good. I shut it down to cool off a bit before our first dance.
o.2 g of Green Crack found its way into one of the chambers. It wasn't tightly packed, just tamped down a bit until the load reached the base of the flare. I dropped it into the heating element, popped on the lid, and then set the Pinnacle to low.
After it reached temp, I took my first hit. Light vapor, great taste, not bad. I sipped it a few more times; again, wispy vapor, nice flavor. I'm not much of a low temp vapist, so I decided it was time to try high. Once the light settled at orange I took a nice, long, slow inhalation; exhale=what I would get from one hit from the 3rd setting on the vb2.
Then I sat back and went on cruise control. I played around with light draws and hard draws, eventually settling into an mflb micro-hit rhythm. I didn't do a hit count, but let's just say that I was puffin' on it until the auto shut-off (10 min). Here's the resulting avb next to unvaped Green Crack:
Nice, even, light brown toast. Looks good for cooking.
I had a decent buzz off the 0.2g, but not
quite there yet. (Keep in mind that I have a relatively high tolerance and had been vaping for a large part of the day.

On to the second chamber! This time I went right to orange. I finally settled on what I would call an "aggressive" micro-hitting rhythm, i.e. I spaced my hits as if I were hitting the LB, but each pull was harder than what I would use with the LB (if that makes any sense

). This produced nice clouds, again equivalent to around a 3 on the vb 2.0.
I hit the VBP (acronym suggestons?) until I eventually had to put it down, well before the auto shut-off. Medicated? Yes. Very much.
Here's the resulting avb from the 2nd lap:
What can I say after this session? Cloud chasers probably won't be satisfied, although if you're willing to milk it ala micro-hits, good clouds are possible. Whether or not you produce dense clouds, rest assured that the VBP medicates.
Astute FC'ers may have noticed what looks like a PonG in a few of the pics. IT IS! It's a male 14mm that fits the VBP like a glove. I wanted to give it a spin on my Mobius, but couldn't find my 18/14 adapter

, so I brought out the Vriptech Bub.

Very nice. An even, medium draw produced great results on my first go, similar to what I would get from the LB+WPA. I think with a little more practice it's possible to really get it rolling. I'll also add that I think the learning curve is very forgiving; I really can't imagine combusting with this.
As TRVB mentioned, there will be a WT that pairs with the VBP; from what I gather, it'll be a little less than 50% the height of the current WT's.

This could be a game-changer: a
VERY portable flower vape with a
VERY portable specifically-designed water filtration tool.
Soooooooo, to summarize:

- extremely pocket friendly
- relatively easy learning curve
- effectively medicates
- capsule/chamber based (I think the vb peeps should consider making a case that snugly holds, say, 4-6 pre-loaded chambers? )
- immediate water tool adaptability (14mm)
- very portable WT specifically designed for it will be available
- damn quick warm-up
- low maintenance, like the VB2

- folks looking for "monster clouds" probably won't be satisfied
- only 2 temp levels
- PonG sold separately: as far as I know, like the VB2 the PonG adapter isn't included with the "basic" package (but it would be pretty sweet if it was
); however, the VB guys hooked it up, throwing it into the box for me to try, gratis. Gracias. It might also be cool if an 18mm was available.
- the VBP fits a little too snugly into the base; I have to hold the stand in place when I take the VBP off
- the chamber cap (the clear piece that connects the body to the mp) was stable, but in this case I wish the fit was a little tighter
- Edit: I forgot to mention that there isn't a battery life indicator; once the battery is about to die, the blue light blinks and then it shuts off automatically.
All in all, I think the Pinnacle rocks.

I wouldn't hesitate to recommend it to a friend.
You are now free to shower me with you envy.