Yes. I just ordered one from theyoyokid1 on eBay since people seem to be getting better results with it instead of the regular mouthpiece when dry vaping.
Love the pic; I can't stop looking at those lips!
Edit: Congrats to The Pinnacle (and the TRVB Team) for reaching it's 100th page! It's taken me a while to get on board (been following since page 50 or so), but I'm looking forward to getting acquainted with this unit. I'm sure I'll probably get the PRO somehwere down the line, too.
Congrads lizardking,
First post on my 100th page deserves a prize the way I see it. PM me your address and I'll send u a free gift.
Ps. Which of my products do u currently own, ?
Thanks for the heads up about this adapter, just ordered it, happy to see ppl enjoying the coupon codecant wait to check this out
My Pinnacle original just arrived from VW ! Put it in the charger and it is showing solid blue! Looks like it came fully charged, a tad strange, I'll leave it there for 3 hours or so before I test it out.
I'm really surprised at the size, expected it to be a bit bigger. The little mouth tips seem small and fragile, my pong come in the mail later this week, so hopefully these little things last 3 days (I know they will)
Hi all,
Looking fwd to getting my Pinnacle today, should be delivered by Fedex shortly. I have browsed through the entire 100 pages, had a few questions:
1. My big reason to order the Pinnacle was it was advertised as easy to clean. I use a Pax now, getting the oven clean enough for travel is not easy. Can the removable bullet be soaked in ISO for travel clean? Whats the final word in how to travel-clean the MP - glycerin, boiling water, ISO? Seemed like boiling water didn't quite do it and the ISO had fogging/reaction issues with the MP plastic. Any advice on whats been working for folks to travel-clean without damaging the MP?
2. Any mods/advice etc on how to keep the MP from getting loose. Someone suggested taping the inside etc. How big a problem is this and what are some workarounds?
3. The HT at 110-130$ seems steep, although piece looks great. Are there any more economical options? Any one have experience with Grav Labs mini bubbler, Aqua Vape from Vapir etc. with the PN? Any help appreciated on a cheaper, compact water option.
Thanks in Advance.
Trvb is on the way......
Who have you been dealing with? Did u buy it from my website or a retail?
Thank you!Trvb is on the way......
Who have you been dealing with?
Did u buy it from my website or a retail?