The Picture Thread


Dog Marley
The art of concealment - whodda thunk your average looking hippie was possibly carrying contraband? Sometimes the best hidden things are those right out in the open. (I do like the 'en pleine aire'). Oh and here's a picture of a bee that I just took. IT's called "Just Bee".

This works well for the drive back home through the country. I'm just sipping my "morning jane"....

Loving your work....I can only express my true sentiments via an interesting arboreal collage..



climbing the mountain of the mind
Company Rep
Cabbage. Up close and personal. (and fresh and exciting - they had just chopped the heads off that morning; the moisture of the fields is clinging to the tender and fantastically intricately veined leaves)

oh and had to add the flowers too. arent' they cool? the pattern in the tablecloth underneath + cropping makes them look like they're floating.
took these at the farmer's market on saturday.

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climbing the mountain of the mind
Company Rep
Cut myself out of context, colored in green. Because sometimes there's just one principle. It's natural, it's eternal, its coeval with yourself. It's peace. It's love. It's intelligence. It's just what you see, without any mediating glasses - the ones they give you when they teach you what the world is all about. And what you have to undo when you want to live, fresh and new.


stay true to yourselves
Cut myself out of context, colored in green. Because sometimes there's just one principle. It's natural, it's eternal, its coeval with yourself. It's peace. It's love. It's intelligence. It's just what you see, without any mediating glasses - the ones they give you when they teach you what the world is all about. And what you have to undo when you want to live, fresh and new.


infinite space between us now. your love is orange, mine runs red. will we ever love again.

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