DigitalDavinci said:
I actually made you a PD signature that resembles Purple Rain from the 80's. Not too sure if you are an old but a goodie like myself, but if you are interested...I'll send it to you. Also I realised it looked good, but you have 2 vapes to represent (I can't forget the SSV). I'll send them tomorrow if you'd like. I have 2 PD and 1 SSV. The problem is once you shrink them to fit the signature place, then the details get lost. Ah you'll see. You can use them or not. I have no worries when it comes to my art.
Holy jumping Jesus DD. You're a freaking mind reader. I was born in the very early 80's, so I remember some of it from the first time round (unfortunately

)...but...more importantly, I'm actually a big Prince fan. Yes yes yes laugh it up all you bastards, but I'm the first to admit that a large percentage (ie. most of it) of Prince's discography is garbage. However...the stuff he did right? Forget about it. No popular artist in that era can touch him, as far as I'm concerned. I would be absolutely HONORED to rock that Purple Rain Purple Days logo. It would be awesome to put the Purple Days and the blue SSV together (since that is my color, after all

) but to be totally honest...the Purple Days is my first love, so I'd be happy with just that if you want to share the love around. I'm sure many people are vying for those beauties by now; you do a great job with this stuff man.
Anyways...thank you so much. I was half joking when I suggested you make one for me, but I can tell by your art that you love to create just to do it, so I am not going to feel guilty. Instead I just hope you take my thanks with deepest sincerity. I don't know how to e-mail using this forum...if you know how maybe you could drop me a line? vtac, if there IS no option for e-mail or private messaging on this forum, please feel free to give DD my e-mail address. I would simply prefer to refrain from posting it publicly, for obvious reasons.
I have more to say about all this wonderful creativity and I actually took some pictures tonight to share with you guys, (nothing me...more of a product placement for tea drinkers

) but I just don't have the time to format them and upload them tonight etc. I have a deadline for tomorrow and I want the day you know how it goes. I'll come back and edit this entry as soon as I can to upload those pics and such...
I just couldn't come on FC and not let you know how impressed I am DD. I really hope you will keep sharing your art with us, as well. Not only do you have talent but apparently you have passion, and if you ask me the latter is easily more important. It'd be cool if you upload them slowly, too...I love checking this thread to find new works, it sort of makes my day feel that much better. Be a shame to be spoilt too quickly
Also, I see we've got some visual arts fans here...not a surprise at all, pot heads can be cultured too, you know! I love graphic art and specifically painting, so I'll dig up some good pieces to share. See we've got the Dali covered

Been a fan, but never really
delved into his work too deeply...perhaps I should?
Hehe AoZ I've seen pics like that before as well. Always cracks me up. I loves it.

I'm going to start calling you guys the picture and your damn rules! I've had it up to here with your RULES! Heh if you read my post, you knew that I had sort of, kind of excused myself of it...but since you called me on it, and since I'm almost finished and clearly procrastinating the finishing (I'm here, aren't I?

), here you go:
Laocon Domnicos Theotokpoulos (El Greco)
View from Toledo Domnicos Theotokpoulos (El Greco) long as I'm editing...
DD, those are some super cute cats. I also love animals, and commend you for going to a shelter...not enough people do that...good on ya my friend. Are they males, females, or

both? There are far too many animals around my place to name, I think...but I should definitely get a picture of my pooch. He's tres important to most peoples animal companions are to them, I think (I'd hope). My sister has a turtle here as well...he's another highlight, fukken hilarious to watch sometimes.
vtac that is one HELL of a cute kitten there...and the fly is ugly as shit

- the kitten doesn't get any points for being cute though. Kittens are born with the ability to "cute" a person to death, it's simply god given.
SA, whatever the hell that thing is, it looks like it took a shovel to the face and then got mutilated by a series of clipping sheers. Uuuuuuuggggleeeeeez! --> later in the morning: you know what, I've looked at that thing enough times now, it's actually pretty damned cool looking. Rodents normally freak me out a bit (childhood experience I can't seem to shake), but I sort of makes me want to laugh, for some reason. What the heck is it? --> painfully numerous edits finish here: I got a clue and read the tag to the picture...mole rat huh, eeenteresting.