I am awed by the photos I'm seeing here. It seems redundant to keep pushing 'like', but I'm forced to; they're just that good. Looking at a picture is an experience encapsulated by the very last one here by CarolKing: a peek through an aperture into a vastness. I think it's a metaphor for cosmic consciousness. Our little human eyes, our little human brain, are windows into unimaginable depths. If all of us could get glimpses of something beyond ourselves on a regular basis, would things like Ferguson, MO, not happen?
I know I have to post a pic myself now because this message will get axed otherwise. I don't have a really great one, like the ones here. But I can make a commentary on a humble shot! Here's a puny little bush/weed thing that I saw last winter (the Long Winter of Laura Ingalls Wilder in Wisconsin) clinging to the side of my daughter's school gym wall. I cropped it and merely passed it through a feature for texturizing on a phone art app. I'm not sure exactly why, but I really like the atmosphere of poignancy and delicacy that this simple corruption imparted. The very ordinary and generally unnoticed said to me "SEE me!". I had to acquiesce (naturally). When plants talk, you have to listen! Who knows that the world around us is dancing and laughing all the time?