Today’s date, a palindrome/ambigram : 12022021
(Forward/backwards/upside down, it reads identically)
I thought this was a palindrome, not an ambigram, as it reads the same backwards as forwards, but not upside down, right?
Yep, this looks totally gross, whatever it is. Please tell us it's a sliced piece of some very freaky looking fruit or something! Go on, what tf is it, dude?!
@DillGaff - I realise it's a little late, but, welcome to FC!
I hope you are enjoying it here. Just to let you know, if you post or reply in this thread, you need to include a picture (not including the picture in the post you quoted). **Edit** Nicely done, sir!
Everything will be okay in the end. If it's not okay, it's not the end . . . . .