Update for anybody interested;
Really impressed with this product. Was slightly dubious after reading that the technique has a bit of a learning curve but in all honesty I have gotten to grips with it right away. I find the best technique is to hold the battery down for 5-10 seconds and start drawing, then every couple of seconds press the battery in and release it as you draw.
The vapour has a really nice taste, if you do it right you can even get a little cloud and it gives a very nice THC 'high'.
Really stealthy, I used it in the bathroom at my work on a quiet Saturday afternoon and when I went back in after 15 minutes there was no trace of smell. Also very convenient; I was walking my dogs for a couple of hours, took a filled trench with me and had a very nice time with it.
The unit also appears really well made, it feels good in your hand and looks pretty cool.
If I invest in a higher-end vape it will be very hard to go for anything other than the Pinncale Pro, based purely on how happy I am with this product from the same manufacturer.