It works great in my other vaporizers. The trick is to pack it loose and mixing some weed there as well helps a lot (I usually go with a 1:1 ratio). the reason I use shisha tobacco over dry tobacco is because it produces more vapor and the hits dont feel dry at all.I would not use hookah tobacco in any vaporizer, other than a hookah itself. The sticky mass will not let air pass through it very well, and the tobacco is usually cut into large pieces. You are better off using 'aromatic' tobacco blends that have been treated with natural flavoring. These tobaccos will taste very similar to how a hookah vapor tastes.
Can't wait to get my hands on it and try it myself. I see no reason why it wont work. Either way I'm getting this vape, and I'm excited about it. I also sometimes drop a couple of drops of DIY ejuice in my herb, so that's worst case scenario. I just always liked the nicotine THC combo.@cawshook , It sounds like you're familliar with a different kind of shisha than I am used to. I remember it, from years ago, as being a really sticky bulky mass. It's possible that my memory is playing tricks on me..
Just use your own judgment, should be fine!
Here's some boxes!
From left to right. Linseed/beeswax + unpainted, Painted solid + uncoated, paint wash + linseed/wax + sanded smooth, thicker paint wash + linseed/wax + sanded smooth.
There are two things of interest here, namely "casing" and "top flavouring." They are two distinctly different approaches to altering a blend's flavor. Some tobaccos employ both.
Casing requires that the tobacco be sprayed with or soaked in a "sauce" that may contain sugar, molasses, liquorice, alcohols like rum or whiskey, and various flavourings, natural or otherwise, depending on the manufacturer. Once the tobacco "drinks" the sauce, it's conditioned in large cylinders that dry it back to the desired moisture level, generally between 12% (on the dry side) and 22% (very moist). Optimal moisture for smoking depends on the smoker, but it's generally in the 13-16% range. The aromas and flavours imparted by casing will remain in the tobacco pretty tenaciously, and will affect the smoke throughout the bowl.
Top-flavouring is added by spraying the finished blend with scents and flavourings. This is a much lighter application, and doesn't alter the moisture content of the leaf dramatically. Sometimes called "top-notes," this can be quite ephemeral. Because of the volatile nature of many of the commonly used components, a tobacco left to "air out" may lose a lot of the perfume that's applied this way.
Depending on the casing used, tobaccos can become very sticky. Some producers use humectants to maintain a specific moisture level in the final product. You'll hear people talk about PG, or propylene glycol, the most commonly used humectant these days. It's generally spoken of in rather disparaging terms, thought it's not the PG that deserves the condemnation, but the blending houses who use it with reckless abandon. If the tobacco won't dry out, PG is likely the culprit. In small quantities, it does its job well. In large quantities, it produces a sticky, wet smoking, pipe clogging weed that should never see the inside of a pipe.
Awesome news Dan.
Is there still a way to get on your list? Or is the list closed already??
I'd love to get on there! And I can't wait to make my own bamboo coals too!! Such a great idea and that craftsmanship you put in them makes me drool. I cannot wait to get my hands on one!
Just a little update.
The four testers have been sent to Pakalolo, BuzzDanklin, Stu, and Stickstones.
I've encouraged everyone to share their experiences with the Okin here.
Super excited for what's to come!
That's one original draft... while I understand why a manufacturer would go for seasoned users, I think new ones with not that much experience could be beneficial as well, after all a lot of new users are switching to vaping and without the knowledge the veterans have they would certainly have a different experience. Also it actually puzzles me that the same persons can be testers for several vapes at the same time, isn't there any conflict in doing that?
Edit: that's still a safe selection of testers though and no i don't necessarily want to be part of the testing process.
Maybe I should shut up at times rather than speaking my critical mind.
Just a little update.
The four testers have been sent to Pakalolo, BuzzDanklin, Stu, and Stickstones.
I've encouraged everyone to share their experiences with the Okin here.
Super excited for what's to come!
HOLY SHIT!!!My photography is not quite up to Dan's level, but this is what Canada Post left in my mailbox a couple of hours ago: