I too am a self professed news junkie.
RT is awesome, checkout youtube for their stuff, heaps and heaps of content & lots of content specific programming.
Im also a financial, geo-political nut. they have great shows by Max Keiser- he is a really intelligent guy who is very nuts but quite sane at the same time.
very entertaining, well if youre into that sort of thing like me.
another pretty good RT production for world financial news is 'boom bust.'
this is an episode from about 2 weeks ago with an awesome guest Dr Paul craig Roberts who was one of the founders of reaganomics. I dont know anything about Reaganomics. but the content this man is currently writing I find very insightful & I have enjoyed everything I have read or seen from this bloke.
I also watch Greg Hunter from USA watchdog. I find even tho he is somewhat sensationalist at times, he has some great guests with some different perspectives than whats currently on offer via main stream shit. This interview is from january 2014 with a bloke named John Williams who analyzes all the US govt stats and calculates the real rates of inflation & unemployment they way they were calculated before 1990 (ish??). The current US govt official inflation figures do not take into account food, gas/ energy and tax paid.
no-one eats, drives, requires electricity or has a job?
But, I get a lot of info from
www.whatreallyhappened.com and
Lots of stories form all over the world covering many, many different topics. Some are gems, others are warm steaming piles of bullshit or propaganda written to suit an agenda.
it doesnt take too much sorting, nor did it take too long for me to form the opinion, believe nothing on face value. Accept that anything and everything probably is a lie, and move forward from there.
I am also a precious metals bug, so I watch Mike Maloney who has produced a fantastic series called 'the hidden secrets of money' its about the origins of money leading right up to the present.
Here is the best segment, its about how our money, debt and credit is created today in a very easy to understand format.
and if anyone is interested here are the other parts to the series.
(the system wont let me embed more that 5 times in a post, so here are the links.)
I love this guy too. Gerald Celente is a nutbar, but again very insightful.
But no matter what I watch or read, I always try to keep my mind as open as possible, my bullshit meter on high alert and I constantly look for and suspect an agenda from the author.
For example, Mike Maloney's agenda is to sell you gold and silver, but the information he provides is pretty good overall.
Now I have outed myself as a collaborator, I guess I shall wait for whatever
TLA (3 letter acronym) organisation to come and get me.
DHS, NSA, FBI, CIA or god help me the TSA for a good fondling.
But then again, everyone is too focussed on what Justin Beiber is doing ATM. I guess thats whats really important. Oh and how big a Kardashians ass is?
EDIT here is an interesting perspective, spin or propaganda regarding Kiev. call it what you will.
Not very flattering to the nthn mexicans tho