Man the vaseline thing has been discussed
ad nausem on hundreds of MMA forums, blogs, podcasts etc. In fact, many have banned the discussion of it.
Have you seen the fight, trad? I hope you're not basing your opinions solely on BJ's conspiracy theory video. You can edit a video to make it look like
anything happened and that's exactly what BJ's camp did. Watch the whole fight and tell me you think vaseline had anything to do with the outcome. The comission wiped GSP down after each round. The don't hit the back of the head part was even more laughable, he was hitting BJ's ear for 90% of them. BJ is making all kinds of shit up.
What BJ needs is a sports psychologist to help him get through this devastating blow to his ego. The guy is a phenomenal lightweight fighter but when you hear
all the shit he talks before the fight and now after the ironic stoppage loss, he really starts to sound like whiny sore loser, which is pretty unfortunate for a guy trying to build a legacy. GSP didn't cry about BJ gouging him in the eye in the first fight; instead of making excuses, he used the experience and worked his ass off to improve his game. Clearly he's worked a lot harder than BJ since then.
It definitely is an unfortunate 'controversy', if anything it shows that the commission is incompetent at enforcing their own rules. Limit vaseline to the cutman or something so this never happens again.
Anyway, if you want to discuss the vaseline thing please do it on another forum, it's been done to death and I think most of us would rather talk about new stuff.
Need to grab the fight from last night, missed it.
\/ lol yeah, i loved all the special effects they used.