OK Guys, I got the Lotus with pipe and watertool attachment plus an Honest torch in the mail yesterday.
I just picked up a new batch of 5150, and Crown OG. I tried the waterpipe of the 5150 first, I started heating and drawing but nothing. So I heat a little more...but nothing. I see I am being too cautious so I start torching until red hot and I get just a little wispy vapor...What gives I think to myself?
So I decide to slow my draw a good bit...

Well after I finished coughing and drooling I figured out that that was the trick. Give the air more time to heat up as it passes the hot plate. Also small circles to create a bigger hot spot helps the clouds grow as well. By the third bowl the misses and I were blowing monster clouds of tasty vapor. The Lotus will fit into the rotation nicely!
I brought the Lotus with metal pipe (I like the metal bowl so much more than I thought I would). My Mighty and my Milaana with me today and I doubt either Mi will get any play today.
Oh and drop a piece of concentrate on your herb in the Lotus for Daisy sized clouds, it's crazy good!
@ataxian Holy shit the upline was made for the lotus! I really like how it provides full flavor like you're hitting it dry but provides a small amount of diffusion as well so its not destroying your throat.
gotta be careful with the mouthpiece though to not chip a tooth lol. I also really like how its 14mm. Takes the FW3 really well also. What I noticed with my Matrix perc is that it provides too much diffusion this is just right and the chug/vibration when its being cleared is so satisfying.
Do you have 1 of your holes plugged with something?

Just wondering if that's a performance mod?